
Seasonal Wellbeing, Herbalism, Slow Productivity & Holistic Health to guide you on your Aligning with the wisdom of the Seasons.

Herbal Remedies, Seasonal living Emily Fryer Herbal Remedies, Seasonal living Emily Fryer

Herbal Health Care for Spring

The very early days of Spring are the first time we see wild herbal plants after the Winter. Nettle, cleavers, chickweed and dandelions are some of the earliest wild plants you can find growing, These herbs also happen to be some of the most beneficial for Spring health and wellbeing.

As we step into Spring after the cold and dark days of Winter. Days which were hard on both our minds and bodies, it is a perfect time to refresh and renew.

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Seasonal living Emily Fryer Seasonal living Emily Fryer

Seasonal Living Activity Ideas for Spring

One of the many joys and benefits of Seasonal living is that it encourages and helps us to embrace every season. To adapt and change our routines and habits to reflect what is happening in the world around us, and to remain flexible and adaptable.

Not to mention the benefits it brings to our bodies and minds when we are able to adapt to the natural ebb and flow of our energy and what our bodies are capable of in each season.

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Seasonal living, Seasonal Wellbeing Emily Fryer Seasonal living, Seasonal Wellbeing Emily Fryer

Creating Better Routines for Your Wellbeing; Spring Edition

As we move from Winter to Spring it is time to reawaken our minds and bodies from Winter slumber.

Energetically this is a shift from the cold hard earth of Winter to the light and airy Spring. The earth is warming and re-awakening as the sun returns, and we too must slowly revive our bodies and adjust to the changes in momentum.

The Energy of Spring

Spring is the energy of Air, the archetype of the Maiden; young, new, the birth of new life.

All of that, the light energy after the heavy and darkness of winter, can feel very heady and exciting. Spring is a season, four reigniting passions, projects, and hobbies set of lain dormant over the winter, all the last year.

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