Adjusting to the change in energy from Winter to Spring

[contraction to expansion]

I recently wrote about the importance of maintaining balance for our health — balance of energy & balance within our actions and daily lives.

Part of that balance is found in nature and the changing seasons, and finding ways to more easily adjust and adapt to those changes is how we can support our bodies and protect our health and wellbeing throughout the year…. Whatever the season.

Transitioning from the cold, dark days of winter to the bright, blooming days of spring is a significant shift not only in seasons but also in energy. This change represents a shift from contraction — a time of rest, conserving energy, drawing energy inwards, to expansion — outward facing energy, gathering momentum, growth, expansion of resources and being, as nature awakens from its slumber and bursts forth with new life.

Understanding and embracing this shift can positively impact your health and wellbeing.

Changes in Energy: Contraction to Expansion

As we move through the year and the seasons shift and change we go through a process of expansion and contraction.

This makes sense if you think about sunlight as a source of fuel — as the daylight hours fade and darkness rises through Autumn and into Winter the energy contracts & shrinks.

Whereas in Spring and Summer where the daylight hours are longer and we become more active the energy is expanding.

This time of year is a perfect example of feeling that shift as the energy changes…

The transition from winter to spring is marked by a noticeable change in energy. In winter, our energy tends to be more introverted, reflective, and introspective - much like nature itself, which lies dormant in preparation for the burst of new growth.

As spring approaches, this energy shifts towards expansiveness, vitality, and growth. We may feel a renewed sense of enthusiasm, creativity, and motivation as we align with the vibrant, upward energy of the season.

Physically, this transition can manifest as increased vitality, a desire for movement and activity, and a sense of lightness as we shed the heaviness of winter. Emotionally, we may experience a renewed sense of hope, possibility, and joy as we emerge from the darkness of winter into the light of spring.

But there is also always the risk that we will get carries away on this wonderful burst of new energy and feeling of excitement that Spring brings and forget that we still need periods of rest to function at our best — we still need to keep the balance.

Adapting for your Health & Wellbeing

Adapting to these changes in energy is a crucial part of maintaining our optimal health and wellbeing. Our bodies are intricately connected to the rhythms of nature, and when we align with these rhythms, we can experience greater balance, harmony, and vitality.

By embracing the expansive energy of spring, we can support our bodies in detoxifying and cleansing, both physically and emotionally. Helping to release stagnation, heaviness, and toxins that may have accumulated during the winter months, allowing for a fresh start and renewed energy & vitality.

Holistic and Herbal Suggestions to Help You Adapt

To support our bodies in adjusting to the shift from winter to spring there are many holistic and herbal remedies that can be incredibly beneficial. Here are some suggestions for adapting more easily:


Focus on incorporating lighter, seasonal foods such as leafy greens, sprouted seeds, and seasonal fresh fruits & vegetables. Include detoxifying foods like dandelion greens, corriander, chickweed, cleavers and lemon to support your body's natural cleansing processes. As well as fermented foods such as kefir, saurkraut and kimchi for digestive health.

Routine and Habits:

Create a daily routine that includes movement, such as yoga, walking, or dancing, to align with the energy of spring. Practice mindfulness and gratitude to stay present and open to the possibilities of the season.

Get outside as often as possible to make the most of the milder days and more sunshine we experience as the Spring progresses.

Skin Care:

Transition your skincare routine to lighter, more hydrating products to nourish and protect your skin as it adjusts to the changing weather. Incorporate gentle exfoliation to slough off dead skin cells and reveal a fresh, glowing complexion.

Use oils that help brighten the skin such as rosehip or jojoba oil.

Herbal Remedies & Supplements:

Consider incorporating herbs like nettle, dandelion, milk thistle and burdock root to support detoxification and cleansing. Herbal teas, tinctures, or supplements can help boost your energy levels and overall vitality as you transition into spring.

Adaptogens are also a wonderful collection heral remedies that can help your mind & body embrace the changes in energy from contraction to expansion and support your body holistically allowing you to navigate the transition from winter to spring with more ease and grace.

And, as always, listen to your body's wisdom, honour the rhythms of nature, and your energy, allow yourself periods to rest so that you may bloom along with the flowers this season.

xo Emily


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