Seasonal Living Activity Ideas for Spring

One of the many joys and benefits of Seasonal living is that it encourages and helps us to embrace every season. To adapt and change out routines and habits to reflect what is happening in the world around us, and to remain flexible and adaptable.

Not to mention the benefits it brings to our bodies and minds when we are able to adapt to the natural ebb and flow of our energy and what our bodies are capable of in each season.

Participating in activities that are unique to the spring season will help you benefit from everything the season has to offer while also keeping you grounded in the present moment.

They can help you to reawaken after a long cold Winter, and prepare for Summer.

Spring is the season of renewal, rebirth, and rejuvenation. It is a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, and growth. As the snow melts away, the flowers start to bloom, and the weather warms up after a long and cold winter. This is a time where we too can focus on reawakening and reviving our mind, body and spirit.

Seasonal Activity Ideas for Spring

To take full advantage of the season here are some ideas for the best things you can do during spring that’ll help you to embrace the season to the fullest:

1. Visit a Local Farm –

Spring is the perfect time to visit a farm near you. Many farms offer tours, farm-to-table events, and classes on sustainable gardening and cooking practices. You'll learn about the different types of crops and livestock that are naturally in season and get a chance to buy locally sourced and fresh food.

You can also take children to visit the lambs and other baby animals (or enjoy them for yourself).

2. Go Hiking or on Countryside Walks –

After being cooped up indoors all winter, it’s time to make the most of the extra daylight hours, bask in the warm sun and take advantage of the great outdoors. Hiking (or gentle walking if you can’t manage a strenuous hike) is a great way to get your body moving and explore new areas. Breath in the fresh air, take in the beautiful views of nature, and learn about the different plants and animals that are beginning to emerge.

3. Plant seeds for Your Garden –

There is nothing more satisfying than planting seed sand watching them grow. Whether you’re starting with a few windowsill pots, a greenhouse or a large garden you don't have much outdoor space.

Having your hands in the soil is incredibly grounding and tending to another living thing is rewarding - especially if you are growing your own fruits and vegetables to eat.

Gardening is also a fun activity to do with children, it’s educational, and you get to harvest fresh vegetables.

4. Pick wild nettle and Make Your Own Tea -

Nettle is one of the first medicinal plants of the year to start growing and also one that is easily identifiable by everyone. It’s also readily available.

Pick 20-30 nettle tops (the first 2-3 inches of the nettle plant), leave to dry for about two weeks then cut up the dried plant and use 1-2 tbsp in a fabric or metal tea bag. Add hot water and enjoy!

5. Cold Water Plunge or Swimming -

Cold water therapy has many benefits for our minds and bodies from reducing inflammation and aiding muscle recovery to resetting our nervous system, building resilience to stress (and more). It also brings a wonderful send of calm and tranquility afterwards!

For Spring it’s an excellent way to aimprove circulation, and wake up mind and body after the sluggish winter.

Two minutes of a cold shower is enough but why not try wild or sea swimming for an extra immersion and connection to nature.

6. Host a Picnic –

If we are lucky Spring offers the perfect weather for picnicking. You can organise a picnic in your backyard or head out to a local park or beach and enjoy the warm sun, birds chirping and the fresh air while having a good time with your loved ones.

Even better if you can make your picnic from fresh and locally sourced ingredients.

5. Visit Your Local Farmers’ Market –

There's nothing like going to a farmers’ market in the spring. You’ll get to taste a variety of fresh produce — the first of the new season, engage with the farmers and learn about the different types of products that they are offering, support local businesses, and learn about which fruits and vegetables are in season and readily available in each season.

Not to mention everything tastes better when it’s locally produced!

6. Start a New Creative Hobby –

Spring presents an opportunity to tap into your creative side. You can make some seasonal flowers, Easter baskets or paint something to remember the season.

Take a pottery class or make a night of it with your friends. Being creative is not just fun and good for us, but it’s a lovely way to be social, meet new people or spend time with friends.

7. Spring Cleaning –

Perhaps the most obvious activity, but one that is also hugely beneficial — Spring cleaning should be on everyone's list. It's the perfect time to declutter, donate and clean up your living space, digital space, as well as do an emotional and spiritual review of the previous year and see if anything needs changing or letting go of.

A Spring clean is an opportunity for a fresh start.

xo Emily


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