The Power of Rest

When did rest become a bad word?

When did needing to rest become a weakness? A sign of failure?

We’re all so scared of ‘falling behind’ or being seen as failing that we choose to work ourselves into the ground, ignoring all our natural instincts, rhythms and the signals from our bodies…. And yet, when we do rest we find our creativity thrives, our passion for life returns & everything feels brighter and easier.

Rest is an essential part of the process

Rest shouldn’t be feared or neglected…. It should be celebrated and appreciated. Seen for what it is:

A time to nourish yourself

A pause to reflect

A space to indulge your creativity & re spark imagination

Time to review & reflect; reassessing before you move forward again

Rest is Powerful

When we make time for and prioritise rest wonderful things can happen in life & work — Rest is the magical fairy dust that can reignite your passion & vitality

Bring you new & brilliant ideas

Take you places you would otherwise have never imagined whilst slogging away

And MOST importantly; protect & improve your health!

Enjoy your rest

Rest isn’t healing or beneficial if you spend the whole time feeling guilty.

Enjoy your rest, make it something you look forward to

Focus on the benefits, not what you ‘might’ be missing out on

Schedule rest time in your calendar every week

Start prioritising yourself & see how different you feel, how much more vibrant you are a month from now…

In a world that glorifies hustle culture and celebrates constant productivity, the art of rest often takes a back seat. However, regular periods of rest and time off are not just indulgences; they are essential for our overall wellbeing and vitality. They are an essential part of the productivity cycle along with periods of reviewing and planning. We cannot just take meaningless action forwards all the time, or else it becomes an avoidance technique for the rest of life & looses all meaning or end goal.

Rest is not merely the absence of activity but a purposeful pause that allows us to recharge, rejuvenate, and reconnect with ourselves on a deeper level.

Why Rest is Important

Rest is not a luxury; it is a necessity. Just as our bodies require nourishment and exercise to function optimally, they also need adequate rest to repair, heal, and replenish. Here are some reasons why regular rest is crucial for our health:

  1. Physical Recovery: Rest is essential for the body to recover from daily wear and tear. It allows muscles to repair, inflammation to decrease, and energy stores to replenish, promoting overall physical well-being.

  2. Mental Clarity: Giving your mind a break from constant stimulation can improve focus, concentration, and cognitive function. Rest is vital for mental clarity, creativity, problem-solving, and decision-making.

  3. Emotional Balance: Rest provides a space for emotional processing and regulation. It can help reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, allowing for a more balanced and resilient emotional state.

  4. Spiritual Renewal: Rest is not just about physical and mental rejuvenation; it is also an opportunity for spiritual renewal. It allows us to reconnect with our inner selves, cultivate mindfulness, and foster a sense of peace and purpose.

Benefits for Mind, Body, and Spirit

The benefits of regular rest extend beyond physical relaxation; they encompass mental and spiritual well-being as well. When we prioritize rest, we unlock a myriad of benefits that nourish us holistically:

  • Mind: Rest promotes mental clarity, concentration, memory, and creativity. It enhances cognitive function, problem-solving skills, and emotional regulation, creating an improvement of overall mental wellbeing.

  • Body: Physical rest aids in muscle recovery, immune function, hormonal balance, and energy restoration. It supports optimal physical health, reduces the risk of illness, and enhances overall vitality and longevity.

  • Spirit: Rest offers a space for introspection, reflection, and inner peace. It nurtures our spiritual connection, mindfulness practices, and sense of purpose, fostering a deeper sense of fulfilment and harmony.

It’s also hugely important that you make rest something you enjoy and look forward to, a joyful and essential part of your self-care.

If you struggle with knowing what to do or how to make your rest time more enjoyable here are some ideas to look forward to:

  1. Create a Relaxing Environment: Designate a cosy space in your home where you can unwind and relax. Surround yourself with soothing colours, soft textures, and calming scents to enhance your rest experience.

  2. Engage in Activities you Love: Use your rest time to engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Whether it's reading a book, being creative, spending time in your garden, taking a bath, going for a nature walk, or practicing mindfulness, make rest a pleasurable experience.

  3. Disconnect from Technology: Limit your screen time and digital distractions during rest periods. In fact if you can allow yourself to unplug and disconnect completely from the outside world to fully immerse yourself in the restorative power of downtime you will find it even more beneficial.

  4. Practice Gratitude: Cultivate a sense of gratitude for the rest and rejuvenation you are giving yourself. Acknowledge the gift of time off, and savour every moment of relaxation and self-care.

Rest is not a luxury reserved for the few; it is a fundamental aspect of self-care that benefits us holistically—mind, body, and spirit. One we have being neglecting as a society.

Choose to be different, choose to be true to yourself by prioritising regular periods of rest to nurture our wellbeing, and you will see for yourself the benefits you can reap from greater energy & vitality, a deeper connection with yourself & your body, to more creativity & passion for life.

Embrace the healing power of rest, and make it a cornerstone of your self-care routine. Your mind, body, and spirit will thank you for it.

xo Emily


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