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Wild Mint Properties, Medicine, Foraging and recipes

Mint is such an uplifting plant. With its light, fluffy lilac flowers and its scent which is both cooling and reviving I would say Mint’s energy and character are Light, Fun, and Cooling.

Wild mint is abundant at this time of year and can be found flowering and thriving along river banks and country lanes where the ground is nice and damp. Mint likes wet areas, although will not grow directly in water, but wet areas, meadows, shores wet woodland, and streambanks are all likely spots.

There are many different varieties of mint that you can find growing in the wild; from apple mint and Spearmint to water mint (which, you guessed it - like to grow near the water). But one thing they all have in common is their distinctive minty smell and their cooling and calming properties.

Wild Mint is the perfect herbal ally for the Summer season.

The Spiritual Energy of Wild Mint

Mint is bound to Venus and the element of Air.

Mint is thought to bring freshness, new beginnings, and healing. It can be used to clear negative energy and promote positive thoughts and had strong metaphysical

Wild Mint essence stimulates and provokes the stagnant emotional waters within. It is a perfect essence to get your juices flowing, to wake up the potential of lively life energy that lies beneath unhealed trauma or unacknowledged feelings that have formed a virtual damn, shutting you off from a real life.

The flower essence is helpful when you are stuck, unable to acknowledge or recover from a loss or trauma, offering both the stimulation to take action and the comfort to feel confident and peaceful with vulnerability.

Wild mint sparks movement and trust…trust to move forward and face the inner pain that has left you feeling paralysed, releasing (years of) fear while helping you learn to dismantle the walls that are hiding your sweet fragrance beneath.

Energetically, mint is used for enhancing the energies of purification, protection, abundance, communication, vitality, fertility and healing.

Folklore of Mint

For a plant that is so common and abundant where it grows there is strangely little folklore of wild Mint.

A Greek fable tells that tiny Minthe was a nymph who was much loved by Hades, god of the underworld. Persephone, Hadesʼ wife, so much hated the nymph for having her husbandʼs affections that she turned Minthe into a creeping plant for all the world to walk on. Hades, however, softened this curse, allowing Minthe to release a sweet smell when trampled on, and so, it turns out, she became loved by all.

It was believed placing mint leaves in a pillowcase or under the pillow gave you prophetic dreams, and carrying a few mint leaves in your wallet would attract money and prosperity.

Picking Wild Mint

Wild mint (Mentha arvensis) is an aromatic herb that boasts an array of medicinal properties. Found in different parts of the world, including North America, Europe, and Asia, this wild plant thrives in damp environments such as marshes, meadows, and riverbanks. If you're interested in harnessing the many benefits of wild mint, it's essential to know where and how to pick it.

When searching for wild mint, keep an eye out for its distinctive features. The plant typically grows 12 to 24 inches tall and has square stems with lance-shaped, toothed leaves. Its purple or pink flowers bloom in clusters during the summer months, emanating a delightful minty fragrance. To pick wild mint, it's advisable to go on a sunny day when the leaves are dry, as harvesting wet leaves can lead to mold or spoilage. Simply pluck the healthy leaves and stems, making sure not to disturb the entire plant or remove too much foliage, as this can hinder growth and regrowth.

Medicinal Properties of Mint

Wild mint, also known as Mentha arvensis, offers numerous health benefits for the mind, body, and skin. Let's explore its medicinal properties in each of these areas. Even in Ancient Egypt, Mint was revered for its soothing, healing powers. It has been used to treat menstrual pains, intestinal upset, indigestion, headaches, morning sickness, as well as many other disorders

For the mind, wild mint has long been used for its calming effects on the nervous system. The essential oil derived from wild mint possesses natural sedative properties that can help reduce anxiety, promote relaxation, and alleviate stress. Inhaling the aroma of wild mint can help clear the mind, improve focus, and enhance mental clarity. Incorporating wild mint in your routine, such as through herbal teas or aromatherapy blends, can have a soothing and uplifting effect on the mind.

When it comes to the body, wild mint offers a range of health benefits. It is probably most well known for its ability to aid digestion. Drinking wild mint tea or consuming the leaves helps stimulate the production of digestive enzymes, which can improve digestion, reduce bloating, and relieve discomfort. Wild mint is also known to have antimicrobial properties that can help fight off bacteria and parasites in the digestive system, promoting a healthy gut. But Mint is also anti-inflammatory, anti fungal, high in anti oxidants and along with nettle can help relieve allergy symptoms.

Applying wild mint topically can benefit the skin in various ways. Thanks to its natural antiseptic properties, this herb can help cleanse and purify the skin. It is often used in skincare products to soothe inflammation, reduce redness, and alleviate itching or irritation. The cooling sensation of wild mint can provide relief for minor skin irritations like insect bites or sunburns. Additionally, its astringent properties can tighten the pores and help control excess oil production, making it beneficial for those with oily or acne-prone skin.

It is also a cooling and relieving herb to help soothe sore muscles, migraines and headaches, and menstrual cramps.

Incorporating wild mint into your health routine can have several positive effects. Its calming properties can help relax the mind and reduce anxiety, making it beneficial for mental health. It aids digestion and fights off harmful microbes in the gut, making it an excellent choice for digestive health. When used topically, wild mint can purify the skin, soothe inflammation, and provide relief for various skin issues. With its versatility and natural medicinal properties, wild mint is a valuable herb to consider for overall well-being.

Wild Mint Recipe Ideas

Once you've gathered a bunch of freshly picked wild mint, there are many delectable ways to incorporate it into culinary dishes. Here are a few recipe ideas to inspire you:

  1. Refreshing Wild Mint Lemonade: Create a reviving and thirst-quenching drink by infusing wild mint leaves into a homemade lemonade. Squeeze fresh lemons, add a handful of wild mint leaves, and sweeten with your choice of natural sweetener. Serve chilled over ice for a perfect summer beverage.

  2. Minty Green Salad: Elevate your salad game by tossing in some wild mint leaves. They add a refreshing twist to a variety of greens, such as spinach, cos, or mixed lettuce. Combine with seasonal vegetables, a squeeze of lemon juice, a drizzle of olive oil, and a sprinkle of salt and pepper for a vibrant and flavoursome salad.

  3. Wild Mint Pesto: Give your traditional pesto recipe a wild twist by substituting basil with wild mint. Blend together wild mint leaves, garlic, Parmesan cheese, pine nuts, and olive oil until you achieve a smooth consistency. Toss with pasta, use as a sandwich spread, or dollop onto grilled vegetables for an exquisite burst of flavours.

  4. Infused Herbal Tea: Enjoy the soothing and calming effects of wild mint by brewing it into a delightful cup of herbal tea. Steep a handful of wild mint leaves in hot water for a few minutes, strain, and add a touch of honey or lemon if desired. This aromatic tea is perfect for relaxation and winding down after a long day.

These are just a few ways to incorporate wild mint into your day-to-day. Feel free to experiment with other recipes such as flavoured water, syrups, or even as a garnish for desserts, and made into ice lollies.

Savour the distinctive minty and refreshing flavour that wild mint brings to your dishes and drinks.