Embracing Seasonal Changes: Supporting Mind and Body for Better Health

Everybody has a favourite season, and while we can find things to appreciate and love in each season to help us enjoy and make the most of the present. When it comes to the season changes, it can feel tough on both of our mind, body, and emotions, sometimes. Especially the bigger changes between winter and spring, summer and autumn, where we move from contraction to expansion and back again.

As the seasons shift, our bodies and minds undergo subtle changes that can impact our overall wellbeing. This can look, and feel like depression, lethargy, lack of motivation or enjoyment in life, and isolating ourselves in a bid to cope.

It can also come across as a more negative outlook, and physically as skin, dryness, irritations, rashes, headaches, and other minor symptoms we cannot place or explain away.

To promote better health during these transitions, it's essential to adapt and support our mind and body in as many ways as we can.

Ways we can nurture our mental and physical health as the seasons change.

Some key areas to focus on in each of the seasons

Prioritise a Balanced Diet

With every season comes a unique variety of fruits, vegetables, and natural crops. Embrace the bountiful offerings of each season to provide your body with the necessary nutrients. Incorporate seasonal produce into your meals, as they are often rich in vitamins and antioxidants that support overall health. Additionally, staying hydrated is crucial regardless of the season, so remember to drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day.

Engage in Regular Exercise

As the weather and climate change, adjusting your exercise routine can help you stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Embrace outdoor activities specific to each season, such as hiking in the fall, skiing in the winter, or swimming in the summer. If the weather isn't suitable, consider indoor exercises like yoga, pilates, or dance classes. Regular physical activity not only improves your physical health but also boosts your mood and promotes mental well-being.

Prioritise Sleep

Seasonal transitions can sometimes disrupt our sleep patterns. To maintain good sleep hygiene, establish a consistent sleep routine and create a conducive sleep environment. Adjust your bedtime routine along with the changing daylight hours, aiming for a sufficient amount of sleep each night. Avoid stimulating activities before bed, such as screen time or consuming caffeine. Quality sleep is essential for ensuring proper mental and physical functioning.

Tend to Your Mental Well-being

Changes in the season can affect our mood and mental health. Take proactive steps to support your emotional well-being, such as practicing mindfulness meditation or engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Surround yourself with positive influences, connect with loved ones, and seek professional help if needed. Understand that it is normal to experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD) during specific times of the year, and make sure to address any concerns with a healthcare professional.

Maintain a Healthy Immune System

Seasonal changes often come hand in hand with varying weather conditions, making it crucial to support our immune system. Stay proactive by incorporating immune-boosting foods, such as citrus fruits, leafy greens, and probiotics, into your diet. Additionally, practice good hygiene, including regular handwashing and getting vaccinated against prevalent seasonal illnesses. Prioritize self-care and stress management techniques to keep your immune system strong.

Embrace Nature

As you transition from one season to another, take the opportunity to connect with nature. Spend time in outdoor environments, whether it's a walk through colorful autumn foliage, a day at the beach, or enjoying fresh spring blooms. Nature has a remarkable ability to rejuvenate both mind and body, reducing stress and improving overall well-being.


Our skin is an important organ for our body and health. Not only is it the biggest organ in our body, it is also where the first signs of any imbalances or issues can show themselves. Each season and it's different weather conditions affect our skin health and what it needs to stay healthy.

Changes in season and the dampness or temperature of the air are times when we are most likely to notice breakouts, irritations, rashes etc. So it's especially important to pay attention to our skin and adapt our skincare routines to fit the season.

Be kind to yourself

If we aren’t leading up to Emily‘s meditations, getting everything done, so feeling less than we are more likely to be hard and critical on ourselves, even though we are struggling. As the seasons begin to shift and change, be aware that these feelings and symptoms may come up and allow for moments, or days, where you might need to take things a little slower or do a little less and don’t beat yourself up for needing a little bit of space and rest.

Supporting your mind and body as the seasons change is all about embracing the unique characteristics of each season and adapting your lifestyle accordingly.

While each season and your needs will be different, these fluctuations, ebbs, and flows are what allow you to stay flexible and adaptable.

No matter the season if you prioritise balanced nutrition, regular exercise, quality sleep, and mental health you will ensure your focus is on optimal health throughout the year.

If you’re not sure where to start here are some previous blog posts for each season full of good tips in each of the key areas of health to get you started:





Remember, the most important thing is to be present, proactive, and listen to your body's needs. By nourishing your mind and body during seasonal transitions, you will experience improved overall health and wellbeing AND a deeper connection with your body and Mother Nature.


If you would like to learn more about seasonal productivity and a cyclical approach to life & work you can read my eBook; Seasonal Alchemy, your guide to diving deeper into the world of seasonal & cyclical living for planning with the rhythms of nature. You can also check out the accompanying Seasonal Life planner

Combined these two resources offer you seasonal guidance for health, productivity & creating a balanced, intentional life plus a framework that offers easy reference to help you stay aligned with your natural rhythms all year round, eat seasonally, stay mindful & connected… and SO MUCH MORE

xo Emily


The Medicine of Berry Season


Wild Mint Properties, Medicine, Foraging and recipes