Emily & the Plants

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Are You Using Your Cyclical Superpowers?(Why Women need a different way of planning)

As women understanding our hormone cycles and their impact on our energy and wellbeing is a vital part of our health and being able to nurture ourselves in the best way possible.

Our bodies host a multitude of changes and fluctuations both throughout our lives and within the short span of our menstrual cycles each month. This complex interplay of hormones that ebb and peak through the menstrual cycle and influence various aspects of our lives and lifestyles far beyond the symptoms and phases of the reproductive system.

These hormonal changes shape women's needs and preferences when it comes to work, sleep, exercise, focus, and creativity. Making our needs, strengths and abilities as world away from males.

Men and their hormones function in a 24 hour cycle. This means their energy and focus, how they feel, is pretty regular each day.

In comparison, a woman can wake up and feel different every single day; no two days are the same.

By understanding these differences, both women and those around them can support and optimise their well-being effectively.

The Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle plays a defining part in women’s health and wellbeing far beyond reproductive health, and is deeply connected with both our digestive and endocrine systems in particular.

The menstrual cycle can be broken down into four main phases: menstruation, the follicular phase, ovulation, and the luteal phase.

(With day 1 of the cycle beginning on the first day of menstrual bleeding)

During this cycle, hormonal fluctuations occur, impacting energy and emotions.

a. Menstruation: The shedding of the uterine lining increases estrogen and progesterone levels, which can lead to fatigue, mood changes, and a desire for rest.

b. Follicular Phase: Rising estrogen levels boost energy and enhance creativity, making this an ideal time for women to engage in brainstorming sessions or pursue their creative endeavors.

c. Ovulation: The peak of estrogen and luteinising hormone during ovulation enhances cognitive function and sociability, creating a conducive environment for collaborative work and meetings.

d. Luteal Phase: Progesterone levels rise during this phase, potentially causing fatigue, increased appetite, and challenges in focusing. Adequate rest, mindful movement, and nutrient-dense food choices can support women during this period.

Let’s take a look at how each phase differs

Sleep and Circadian Rhythm

As different hormone levels rise and fall they can impact sleep patterns and overall sleep quality. Estrogen and progesterone levels in particular influence sleep architecture, affecting sleep duration, quality, and even dreams.

a. Menstrual Phase: Estrogen levels are low during this phase which can lead to lighter and shorter sleep, menstrual cramps and pain during menstruation can also negatively effect sleep patterns and quality.

b. Follicular Phase: During this phase estrogen levels can lead to lighter and shorter sleep, with increased sensitivity to environmental factors like noise or temperature changes.

c. Ovulation Phase: From ovulation Progesterone levels begin to rise which have a sedative effect on mind and body helping to improve sleep quality and duration.

d. Luteal Phase: Progesterone's sedative effects can cause women to feel more tired and sleepy. However, disrupted sleep, especially in the second half of the luteal phase, is common due to hormonal changes and PMS symptoms.

The worst time for sleep and mood, even in people without major PMS, is during the 4-5 days before your period through the first two days of your period.

Creating a sleep-friendly environment, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, and practicing relaxation techniques like meditation or breathing exercises can help you to cope with poor sleep and optimise sleep quality.

You may also find that the days leading up to menstruation are days that you take an extra nap, more regular breaks, or need a slower pace.

Exercise and Physical Activity:

Hormonal fluctuations also influence women's exercise preferences, performance, and recovery.

a. Menstrual Phase: Those with a heavy flow especially will prefer light exercise during this time as loss of blood can cause extra feelings of fatigue. However some exercise can help relieve cramping and discomfort, improve energy, balance your moods and give you an overall sense of wellbeing. Listen to your body and find what works best for you. Lower estrogen means you are less prone to injury at this time.

You may find that even early in the follicular phase you’re able to lift more weight, tolerate high intensity interval training, and push yourself a little more.

b. Follicular Phase: Higher estrogen levels enhance endurance, muscle strength, and coordination, making this phase suitable for intense workouts or challenging activities. Focus on weight training and strength exercises.

c. Ovulation Phase: You may find that you can withstand higher levels of exertion than during other times of the month. Focus on exercises that make you sweat to help the body detox excess hormones and any early water retention. HIIT, running, boxing, and other cardio exercise are great for this phase.

d. Luteal Phase: Progesterone's presence may lead to increased fatigue and reduced recovery rate. You may notice this immediately following ovulation, or only 7-10 days before your period is due - each woman is different. It's advisable to focus on lighter intensity exercises and incorporate restorative practices like yoga, pilates, gentle walking, or stretching. Slow and steady in the moto here.

Our bodies can retain more water and have more difficulty cooling down in this phase, which can significantly hinder your workout. Staying hydrated with an attention to electrolytes prior to any activity can be helpful, and take time to incorporate more recovery in your schedule.

Focus and Cognitive Function:

Hormonal changes affect women's cognitive abilities and focus throughout their menstrual cycle.

a. Menstrual and Luteal Phases: Fluctuating hormone levels can result in reduced concentration, decreased working memory, and challenges in managing stress. Implementing time management techniques, breaking tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, and taking regular breaks can aid focus during these phases.

b. Follicular Phase: Higher estrogen levels during this phase increase both focus, energy, and cognitive function. Estrogen is a neuroprotective hormone deemed a neurosteroid. Estrogen binds to receptors in the brain, promoting better cognitive function.

c. Ovulatory Phase: Enhanced verbal and social skills, increased attention to detail, and improved memory are linked to the peak of estrogen during this phase. Once ovulation has occurred focus and concentration begins to wane through late ovulation phase and into Luteal phase.

All of this impacts and effects how we feel and how we show up in the world, and these are just a few examples. The best way to make the most of each of the menstrual phases and opportunities they provide is through learning to live cyclically and in tune with your body so you can support nurture and thrive

This is where a lifestyle that’s built and aligned in connection with Nature, the Seasons and the cycles of the natural world can help us as women not just improve out health and wellbeing, but harness the changes we experience each month and use them to our advantage.

What is Cyclical Living

A cyclical way of living is a lifestyle which chooses to reflect not just the changing Seasons, but the shifts in energy during the phases of the Moon too. It is no coincidence that a full cycle of the moon lasts for 28 days; the same duration of time as a woman's menstrual cycle.

Both of these cycles are connected to feminine energy, both have times of brightness and fullness, and others of emptying and darkness.

This means we don’t wake up with the same energy and focus every day.

Some days we are creative. Some days we are focused, active, and energetic. Some days we are social. And some days we simply need to switch off, rest, and be on our own.

That means we work better when we work, plan, and live in alignment with our 28 day cycle

When we live and work in a society based on the 24hr day we often feel forced to push through and ignore our natural ebbs and drops in energy, and ignore our bodies when they are calling for rest.

But instead, when we work with a cyclical approach to our lives, we can nurture our bodies and minds, and give ourselves what we need through each of the phases of our menstruation; from food and nutrition to how we move our bodies, how we work and play, and where and how we choose to use our energy and mind.

That means that Rest becomes equal to Action, a balancing counterpoint in our cycle of energy. Because Rest is not only an essential part of the creative and productivity process that we forget and neglect, but an essential component of helping to keep ourselves healthy, protect our wellbeing, and prevent burnout and illness.

Working cyclically and with the seasons empowers you to use your strengths & cyclical nature instead of supressing it. Supporting you as you shift between peaks and dips in energy, creativity, focus, and your need for rest and replenishment.

Because your lifestyle should support your wellbeing and your happiness.

A cyclical and Seasonal way of living works to make so many positive shifts in your life








Now you can….

Seasonal Alchemy is my signature Seasonal process that teaches you how to create the healthiest version of You by following the patterns and wisdom of Nature.

The Seasonal Alchemy Planning system gives you the power of cyclical, Seasonal planning and living to take control of WHAT you focus on each week.

  • Decide HOW you live your life.

  • Easily integrate your wellbeing needs to create a life of BALANCE.

  • Reconnect with nature & yourself to reclaim your natural state of VITALITY.

  • Know when are your most powerful times for Action, and when your best action is to rest and replenish.

  • Understand how to adapt with the seasons to fully support your wellbeing.

You can find out more about my Seasonal Alchemy Workbook and Yearly Planner via the link below:

xo Emily