Steal my Seasonal Planning & Weekly Reset for a More Intentional Work & Life
Nature, in all her seasons, holds many secrets of eternal truths for those present and listening. A common theme I’m reminded of during the seasonal transitions is nature’s comforting message of “this too shall pass”. And a reminder of the strength found in being flexible and adaptable.
After all our only constant in life is change.
Without the ability to adapt we become stagnant, unable to grow, yet if we focus too much on growth, action, and trying to better ourselves, that too can become an exhausting and toxic trait.
The power and beauty of Nature, and following her cycle through the year, is that she teaches us there is a time for action, a time for rest, and times to ground ourselves and be present. That there is always enough time for life.
Philosophically speaking, seasonal living is a lifestyle that embraces change - both the changing rhythms of the natural world as well as the shifts within our own wild bodies & souls. But on a mundane level, it’s rooted in daily nature-led rituals that ground and nourish.
Seasonal living is a lifestyle that integrates the healing aspects of nature so much into the present moment that we don’t feel the need to escape the demands of modern life. Rather, we live outside of them, and are equipped to embrace them without the stress & overwhelm.
A way of living that helps us to see the beauty of every day. Be present & discover a calmness and understanding of life despite the unpredictability of all.
Why I Plan Seasonally & Cyclically
I started my seasonal living journey nearly a decade ago as a means to help me to adapt & heal my body and my chronic illness — although at the time I wouldn’t have called it seasonal living. I just instinctively connected with nature as a way to soothe my damaged nervous system and find moments of joy at a very dark and lonely time.
The upheaval that major life events cause are often the catalyst for personal breakthroughs and growth, and for me, my health issues opened up a whole new world — the world of Holistic Health & Herbalism
Seasonal living supports that gentle, full-body approach to health that leads to long-term wellbeing and vitality… and yet, I found the ways I was still trying to work and plan my weeks left me feeling like I was still stuck in that mindset of toxic productivity that caused my stress and health issues to begin with…
And so I began creating a new way to plan, live and work. And so, after two years of testing and fine tuning I’m sharing that process with you, in the Seasonal Alchemy Workbook…
Because with all of the benefits I’ve seen across my life, I want others to find a way of living that is aligned with nature and increases productivity, creativity & vitality.
Benefits I’ve seen from using this process include:
Understanding my body better and deepening my relationship with myself
Improving my quality of sleep
Increasing my ability to be flexible and resilient
Increased contentment and joy in my life
Better work life balance
Feeling more fulfilled in my work
Increased creativity
Actually achieving more in less time
and so much more…
What Does Cyclical & Seasonal Planning Mean?
The interconnectedness of seasons, herbalism, and physical health is a fascinating area to explore. Each season brings its unique qualities and influences our wellbeing in various ways. Herbalism, the practice of using plants for medicinal purposes, complements these seasonal changes and can aid in maintaining and improving our physical health as well as supporting the body and magnifying its own natural healing abilities.
In this same way the Seasons and patterns in nature influence our wellbeing, energy, focus, and productivity. By using the energy of these patterns to boost our daily lives we aligning ourselves with that energy, flowing with it, instead of pushing against the tide.
Our lives are always busy, and sometimes that can get overwhelming, trying to succeed at everything all at once just isn’t realistic, and yet we try to keep all those plates balancing anyways… and something we usually let slide or leave as least important on our to do list is the one thing we should be prioritising most.
Cyclical and Seasonal planning helps us to overcome patterns of toxic productivity and shift to a mindset of slow productivity, a cycle that naturally includes times of rest, reflection, creativity, and productivity.
Rest and self care are essential elements of our health and our ability to be, do, and achieve our best in everything else we do.
We have been told for too long that resting, taking time off, or slowing down is failing.
I’m here to tell you that’s just NOT True!
Without time for rest, self care, dreaming, creativity there is no productivity.
Creativity needs time doing nothing to allow new ideas and dreams to percolate in your subconscious and if you are always switched on and doing, that well of creativity will dry up.
The same can be said for your drive, focus, enthusiasm, and passion for any task or project. As well as your abilities to plan, think logically or out of the box, and….. well, achieve anything meaningful.
Neglecting rest and self care can also have a negative impact to your health and wellbeing ; mentally, physically, emotionally. And your ability to manage stressful situations.
Neglecting rest and self-care can lead to increased stress, burnout, and a decline in overall well-being.
So you can see It's essential to make time for ourselves, even when our lives are hectic.
It’s all just a matter of perspective, using intention and prioritising what is truly important over what you’ve been told should be important….
The Cyclical & Seasonal Planner
As we shift seasons into Autumn, a time of shedding and releasing, refreshing ideas, goals and final plans for the year, it is the perfect time of year to refresh and reset, ready to make the most of the last 6 months of the year.
Making it a perfect opportunity to share my seasonal alchemy workbook in more detail with you.
If you have been looking for a lifestyle that is aligned with Nature. If you want to step off the treadmill of toxic productivity to create REAL Freedom & Connection in your life, keep reading…
***PS. Scroll to the bottom for your free reset pages ***
— Seasonal Alchemy —
the planning system & yearly planner created to reconnect you with nature, your natural rhythms of productivity, action & rest. And show you step-by-step exactly how to plan and live with intention, so you too can achieve your goals and dreams without the stress, overwhelm, and burnout.
A 365 day breakdown of everything Seasonal and Cyclical to help you plan & live with health & vitality.
The workbook walks, you, step-by-step through using seasonal and cyclical energy to improve your work & focus, your health, your energy levels, and build a deeper connection with yourself and the natural world around you.
Broken down in easy to understand stages the workbook takes you on a journey that moves from an overview of the whole year & the four seasons, right down to a macro view of each week and how the Moon phases connect and influence our energy on a day-by-day basis.
The workbook includes everything from how Seasonal energy works — including a breakdown of each of the seasons, what to expect in each season, things to do to connect with that season and seasonal journaling prompts — to a holistic wheel of the year to act as a compass & quick overview for each month.
Knowing how each of the seasons, impacts us, and the best way to align and flow with the energy of each season, helps us to not only take care of ourselves and our needs better, but to fully make the most of the wisdom each season brings, and how best we can focus our energy through that season two achieve the most throughout the year.
The workbook is designed to be interactive, and created so that as you work through each section you are able to tailor it to your life and your personal experience of the seasons and how your body reacts to them.
It is also created for you to use and refer back to throughout the year (especially when you are just starting out), as all the detailed information is laid out to match the patterns as you move throughout he year in real time. From the Seasonal energy, to Pagan wheel of the year celebrations, the Solar seasons and Astrology signs, planets, and movements of the moon.
The workbook includes details of each of the eight pagan celebrations in the wheel of the year and ways to celebrate and connect with the world around us during those times, the pagan wheel of the year is a beautiful way to mark the turning of the year, draw us closer to nature, helps us to notice the small changes, and stay present as the year progresses, as well as acting as a space or moment to celebrate, recalibrate, and rest.
Each of the solar seasons or astrological months are also broken down. Detailing the changes in focus that they can bring, along with the energy shifts you can feel, the areas of life each Star sign asks you to focus on, any problem areas they can draw attention to, negative energies to avoid, as well as some journaling prompts and questions to ask yourself to help you gain deeper understanding of yourself and the medicine each starsign can bring. These journaling prompts can also help you to unfurl any personal traumas, shadow work or issues you need to work through to help you navigate that time in the year with more ease and grace.
The workbook offers a detailed breakdown of each of the phases of the moon, as well as a clear explanation of how to work with the moons cycle each month; the energy and help these phases can bring to the work you choose to do, what you are best focusing on, when are times to rest and reflect, when are good times for planning, or taking meetings, and when are the best times for action and big bursts of forward momentum so that you can feel like you are achieving and moving forward effortlessly, instead of pushing against the tide of energy.
This section of the workbook also covers your Menstrual cycle and integrating that into the energetics of the seasons; specifically the moons cycle and how the two cycles can sync up, before diving into section two of the work book which covers all the ways this style of living and being can help you to improve all aspects of Holistic health, and the benefits to diet, sleep, and exercise Seasonal living can have.
Section three of the workbook is all about distilling all the information you have just read, and understanding how to break that down and utilise it in a practical way as part of your physical reality.
This part of the workbook helps you to understand exactly how to put everything you have just learned into practice, and helps you to better understand how the energetics and patterns play out in the real world and day-to-day life. As well as how you can use them to help you find more balance.
Because life is not all about achieving the big goals. Life is found in the small everyday moments.
If you enjoy reading the monthly themes & energetics letters that I send out at the beginning of each month then the workbook & Planner together are a more in-depth & coherent version of that letter, where the workbook lays out and explains everything for you, the Planner then takes that information and displays it in an aesthetic and easy to use yearly planner layout.
But much more than a diary or yearly planner the Seasonal Alchemy planner is a combination of slow productivity, seasonal energetics, and self development; as it also contains journaling prompts and actions to allow you to deepen your connection with self & Mother Nature.
Gently guiding you through the Year with Intention, purpose and Balance.
Read more and order your copy below
Why Resetting your goals weekly makes you more productive
Reassessing goals and actions on a weekly basis is a powerful habit that can significantly impact your overall health and wellbeing.
When we take time to regularly reflect on our progress and adjust our course, we can ensure that we stay aligned with our aspirations and priorities. Making sure each task we complete moves is a step closer rather than focusing on busy work.
This practice not only helps us stay focused and motivated, but it also allows us to identify any potential obstacles or challenges that may be hindering our progress. Or places where we tend to procrastinate and choose busy work over bigger tasks that actually move us forward.
If you often feel like you’re treading water and not achieving anything each week, this practice can help you not only identify any problem areas that are keeping you stuck, keep you accountable, but also help you to see and celebrate things you have achieved.
By staying attuned to our evolving work & life circumstances, you can make necessary adjustments as you go, ultimately enhancing your productivity, accelerating our journey toward achieving your goals, and improving your quality of life and work-life balance in the process, which in turn has a positive impact on your health & wellbeing.
Embracing this intentional approach to goal-setting has been my practice for the past two years and I’m thoroughly addicted to it & the results it brings.
Do you want to lead a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life?
Download my weekly and monthly reset process for FREE below:
(This process is also included in the layout of the Seasonal Alchemy 2024 Life Planner too!)
xo Emily