Emily & the Plants

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8 Edible Herbal Flowers for Spring & Summer

Flowers bring their own unique kind of beauty to the world, they bless us with a riot of colour and scent and we all know that they look good and many have medicinal properties. But did you know that there are also many flowers that you can pick and use to improve your health, as well as sources of micronutrients, at home without needing to worry about making tinctures or anything fancy?

There are many flowers that are edible just as they are. And adding edible flowers to your culinary creations can be a whimsical and inventive way to elevate your dishes both visually and in taste.

From delicate floral notes to vibrant pops of colour, edible flowers can bring a touch of elegance and sweetness to your spring and summer meals.

Here’s a brief guide to some of the most popular and easily accessible edible flowers perfect for incorporating into your seasonal recipes.

  1. Lavender: Known for its calming scent, lavender also adds a subtle floral flavor to both sweet and savory dishes. Infuse lavender into sugar for baking, steep it in syrups for cocktails, or use it to flavor ice creams and honey for a unique twist.

  2. Roses: Roses are not just for bouquets—they are also a delightful addition to the kitchen. The petals can be crystallized for a sweet treat, used to make fragrant rose water, or simply scattered over salads for a touch of elegance.

  3. Nasturtiums: With their vibrant colors and peppery flavor, nasturtium flowers are a popular choice for garnishing salads and savories. They can also be stuffed with herbed cream cheese for a beautiful and tasty appetizer.

  4. Calendula: Also known as marigolds, calendula flowers have a slightly tangy taste reminiscent of saffron. Use them to add color to rice dishes, salads, or as a stunning garnish for desserts.

  5. Borage: Borage flowers have a mild, cucumber-like flavor that makes them perfect for garnishing summer drinks like lemonade or gin and tonics. The bright blue petals can also be frozen in ice cubes for a decorative touch.

  6. Sweet Violet: Sweet violets have a delicate, slightly sweet flavor with hints of wintergreen. These tiny purple flowers can be used to garnish desserts, salads, and cocktails. They can also be candied to create a sugary treat or infused in syrups for a floral twist on your favorite beverages.

  7. Dandelion: Dandelion flowers have a slightly bitter flavor that pairs well with sweeter dishes. The petals can be used to make dandelion flower wine, infused into vinegar for dressings, or turned into dandelion flower jelly. You can also pickle dandelion buds for a unique addition to salads and charcuterie boards.

  8. Magnolia: Magnolia flowers have a citrusy, sweet aroma that can add a fragrant touch to your cooking. Magnolia petals can be used to flavor teas, baked goods, and even ice creams. Pickling magnolia petals is another creative way to enjoy their unique flavor and beautiful appearance in salads and savory dishes.

Whether you choose to pickle them, infuse them in honey, or simply use them as a garnish, edible flowers can bring a burst of flavour and colour to spice up your meals.

Experimenting with edible flowers is a delightful way to bring the beauty of your garden to your table.

Try experimenting with different techniques to find what appeals to your tastebuds to make the most of these edible flowers in your cooking.

Have you tried them? let me know

ps. Always ensure you source your flowers from reputable sources that grow them specifically for culinary use, or grow them yourself, and never use flowers that have been treated with pesticides.

xo Emily