What It Means To Be Seasonal

To me choosing to live seasonally is so much more than living in a seasonal manner

It is a whole mindset & beliefs shift that changes the way you see the world and think about the process of living.

It is a choice to step away from the hustle and stress of modern life and instead be intentional about the activities that fill your days.

It is saying “yes, this is important to me, but I would rather do it well & enjoy the process than force a faster outcome”

Yes it is —

seasonal nutrition

Seasonal habits & self care

Bringing nature into your home

Celebrating each season & finding new things to appreciate

But it is also —

Only taking what we need and giving back as much as we take.

Allowing the energy to flow through us and guide us rather than forcing and pushing forward all the time

It is a knowing that to take care of the land and natural world is to take care of ourselves

We are not better or greater than the flowers, the trees, the animals. We are all equal.

When humans get rid of their egos and superiority complex then we will finally be able to respect and care for each other and our planet.

Seasonal living means aligning ourselves with nature's rhythms and becoming more in touch with our own patterns & cycles of energy. Because we never stay the same, we are always changing. Our energy ebbing and flowing.

Have you ever noticed how your mood changes with the weather? Or how certain foods taste better at different times of the year?

This is only a small part of the effects that the rhythms of nature can have.

Being seasonal means aligning ourselves with the rhythms of nature and the changing seasons. It's about embracing the unique characteristics and opportunities each season brings to enhance our wellbeing.

Our ancestors lived this way, guided by the land, the moon, and the changing seasons, thriving in harmony with the earth.

Throughout history, humans and animals have lived in harmony with these natural cycles. Our ancestors relied on the land, the movements of the moon, and the changing seasons to guide their activities and lifestyles. They knew when to plant and harvest crops, when to hunt, and when to rest.

This deep connection to the earth ensured they thrived by adapting to the environment’s natural ebb and flow.

In modern times, many of us have lost touch with these rhythms. We live in climate-controlled homes, eat imported foods year-round, and work under artificial lights. Then wonder why we are all getting sick and lifestyle illness is at an all time high…

The answer to counteract our artificial modern world & disconnected society is to rebuild our relationship with nature, and in doing so rediscovering and aligning with our natural cycles.

Understanding your own cyclical patterns can help you become more adaptable, enhance your health, and bring a sense of balance and harmony to your life.

The Benefits of Seasonal Living for Mind, Body & Spirit

Being seasonal is about more than just changing your wardrobe four times a year. It’s about syncing your life with the natural rhythms of the earth to boost your mind, body, and spirit. By tuning into both the external seasons and our internal cycles, we can enhance our adaptability, health, and overall wellbeing.

The benefits of being seasonal and living a slower lifestyle can have many benefits and positive impacts for our mind, body, and spirit…

Mind: Embracing Change and Variety

Our minds thrive on variety and change. The shifts in seasons can act like a natural refresh button, breaking the monotony and offering new perspectives.

  • Spring: As the world wakes up from winter, our minds often feel more alert and ready for new beginnings, this is the season to embrace them. It's a great time for learning something new or starting fresh projects.

  • Summer: With longer days and more sunlight, our moods often lift. This is a time for socialising, traveling, and enjoying the outdoors. The vibrancy of summer can inspire creativity and joy. This is a season of expansion, trying new hobbies or learning something new — anything that expands and opens your mind and ways of thinking & communicating.

  • Autumn: The cooling temperatures and changing leaves signal a time for reflection and preparation. As the trees shed their leaves we too must shed what is no longer serving us and weighing us down. It's a season for finishing up the years goals and organising your life, making your mind feel more focused and grounded.

  • Winter: The cold and darker days can encourage introspection and rest. It's a time for slowing down, nurturing yourself, and planning for the future… Daydreaming of the year ahead, what it might hold. It is also the season for reconnecting &spending time with loved ones, strengthening bonds.

Embracing the changes each season brings can keep our minds engaged and adaptable, helping us stay mentally healthy and resilient.

Body: Nourishing Through Nature’s Cycles

Our bodies are deeply connected to the natural world, and responding to seasonal changes can optimise and improve our physical health.

  • Spring: This is detox season! Fresh greens and lighter foods help cleanse our systems after winter. Think of it as spring cleaning for your body; Cleansing, renewing and reawakening your energy for the year ahead.

  • Summer: Hydration is key. With the heat, our bodies crave water-rich fruits like watermelon and cucumbers. And more cooling drinks and activities. Summer is the season of the outdoors; explore, venture to new places & take exercise outside – lake swimming, hiking, running, yoga, or even a cricket game at the beach.

  • Autumn: As the weather cools, our bodies start craving more warming and grounding foods like root vegetables and hearty soups in preparation for winter. It’s also a good time to boost your immune system with seasonal produce rich in vitamins. This is the season for nourishing the body.

  • Winter: This is the time for rest, replenishment, and rejuvenation. Comfort foods, rich in essential nutrients help keep us warm and provide the energy we need. Think stews, hot teas, and plenty of healthy fats to keep our bodies fuelled.

By eating seasonally and adjusting our activities to the changing weather, we can maintain better health and vitality throughout the year.

Spirit: Connecting to the Natural World

Each season offers unique opportunities to nourish our spirits, cultivate deeper connection & relationship with the natural world around us for a sense of profound belonging and peace.

  • Spring: This is a time of renewal and rebirth. The blossoming flowers and longer days encourage us to connect with nature and find new growth within ourselves. Gardening or simply walking in a park can lift our spirits — Embracing renewal, new growth & reconnecting with the first plants in Spring

  • Summer: The abundance of sunlight and social activities make summer a season of celebration. A time for revelling in the expansion and abundance of summer — to to mention the suns warmth and energy. Festivals, outdoor gatherings, and vacations help us to build connections with others and create joyful memories.

  • Autumn: This season invites us to reflect and express gratitude. The beauty of the changing leaves and the harvest season can inspire us to appreciate the abundance in our lives. Practices like journaling or thanksgiving rituals can deepen our spiritual connection.

  • Winter: Winter’s stillness encourages introspection and spiritual rest. A time for embracing the inner shadow work. It’s a perfect time for meditation, reading, and quiet reflection. The holiday season also offers moments to connect with loved ones and honour or create traditions, enriching our spiritual life.

By tuning into the spiritual essence of each season, we can cultivate a deeper sense of peace and purpose.

Ebbing & flowing. Embracing the cycles of change.

Understanding Our Internal Cycles

While nature has many cycles humans have our own innate cycles and patterns too… many of which reflect those found in nature. Understanding these can help us nurture ourselves more effectively as we move through each season…

  • Circadian Rhythms: Our bodies follow a 24-hour cycle that regulates sleep, hormone release, and other bodily functions. Aligning our activities with these rhythms, such as sleeping and eating at regular times, can enhance our energy levels and overall health.

  • Menstrual Cycles: Women’s 28-30 day cycle, recognising the phases of your cycle can provide insights into energy levels, mood fluctuations, and optimal times for different activities. Tracking the menstrual cycle can help in planning tasks and self-care, and knowing when your best option is to rest..

  • Lunar Cycles: The moon influences more than just the tides. Many people find that their sleep patterns, moods, and energy levels fluctuate with the lunar phases. Observing these patterns can help in understanding personal ebbs and flows.

  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Some people experience mood changes with the seasons, particularly during winter. Understanding this pattern can prompt proactive measures like light therapy, exercise, supplementing with vitamin D, and generally being kinder to yourself to help manage symptoms.

By becoming more familiar with our own cycles and rhythms, we can adapt our lifestyles to support our health and well-being. This might mean planning high-energy tasks for the morning when our circadian rhythms are at their peak, or scheduling rest during times of low energy in our menstrual or lunar cycles.

Being seasonal is about more than just changing your wardrobe four times a year. It’s about syncing your life with the natural rhythms of the earth to boost your mind, body, and spirit. By tuning into both the external seasons and our internal cycles, we can enhance our adaptability, health, and overall wellbeing.

So next time you feel the breeze change or notice the days getting longer or shorter, think about how you can embrace the season and let it enhance your life.

After all, nature’s cycles are here to support us, and all we need to do is pay attention and flow with them.

And if you want to learn more and dive deeper into the world of Seasonal & cyclical living you can check out my Seasonal Alchemy Guide and The Seasonal Sisterhood!

xo Emily




8 Edible Herbal Flowers for Spring & Summer