10 Things I’ve Found from Living Slowly [& Seasonally]

Living seasonally has transformed my life in ways I could never have imagined. Growing up I never gave much notice to nature or the changing seasons, I was a grade A student and did all the things they tell you will make you successful and happy.

But I was completely disconnected from the natural rhythms of life and none of it was making me happy. Although I didn’t see it at the time, I was using exercise, alcohol and weekend partying as coping mechanisms to numb what I was really feeling and how lost I was.

Then, a few years ago (actually 10years ago now) it all came crashing down.

My body said enough and I was bedridden and fatigue for months; eventually diagnosed as ME/CFS.

Unable to do any of the things I had previously it felt like everything I knew I was had been stripped away.

Only the things we do and enjoy, aren’t who we are at the core. They’re just the labels we give ourselves…. artist, event planner, runner…. they aren’t who I am, but things that are part of me.

I struggled with this new version of life. Then a few years into this journey, I made a decision to focus on the small moments of joy and beauty I could find in my days. To focus on what I could control…. and everything began to change.

As I saw how much positive benefit I’d found I made a conscious decision to slow down and align my lifestyle with the seasons. This change wasn't just about adjusting my activities; it was a holistic shift that permeated every aspect of my life.

I began studying plants and herbalism, the ‘weeds’ I’d walked past for years suddenly became a host of healing plants and beautiful wildflowers

Noticing all the minute changes that occurred daily

The idea of living seasonally may seem quaint and somewhat romantic; cosy winters by the fireplace, vibrant springs filled with blossoms, lazy summers basking in the sun, and crisp autumns rich with the scent of falling leaves…..

While these idyllic images certainly hold some truth, the reality of living seasonally is far more profound & has been a transformative experience for me.

It’s been a journey of personal growth, a deeper connection with nature, a rediscovery of the simple joys in life and a reconnection to my spirituality & intuition. Reconnecting to my own inner cycles and rhythms.

Things I’ve Learned From Living Seasonally & Slowly


I’ve learned is to embrace each season for what it brings. There is beauty and purpose in every part of the year, from the stark, quiet days of winter to the riotous explosion of colours in the fall.

I’ve come to love the stillness of winter, the renewal of spring, the vibrancy of summer, and the harvest of autumn. Each season brings its own charm and challenges, teaching me to find beauty and joy in every part of the year. This love for each season has helped me stay grounded and appreciative, no matter what the weather is like outside.

This perspective has cultivated a profound love for each season, allowing me to appreciate the unique gifts and challenges they present. Instead of longing for the warmth of summer during the cold winter months, I’ve learned to find joy and contentment in the present moment.


Living seasonally has also taught me the importance of appreciating each day as it comes. In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in planning for the future or dwelling on the past. However, when you tune into the rhythms of nature, you become more attuned to the present.

Each day is a new opportunity to experience the world in a different light, whether it’s the first snowfall of the year, a spring shower, a sunny summer day, or the crisp air of autumn. This appreciation for the present moment has brought a sense of peace and fulfilment that I had previously been missing in my fast-paced life.


Waking up and starting the day with a positive mindset and attitude has become a natural part of my routine. When you live seasonally, you begin to see the natural world as a source of inspiration and renewal. Each morning is an opportunity to witness the beauty of nature, whether it’s the sight of dew on the grass, the sound of birds chirping, or the feel of the sun on your skin. This daily connection with nature has infused my mornings with positivity and gratitude, setting the tone for the rest of the day.

Whether it’s a sunny day or a rainy one, I wake up with a sense of excitement and gratitude for what the day will bring. This positive attitude has had a ripple effect, improving my overall mood and productivity.


My connection with nature has deepened immensely since I started living seasonally. This is perhaps the most obvious benefit of living seasonally, but it’s also the most profound. When you pay attention to the changes in the natural world, you begin to see yourself as part of a larger ecosystem.

I’ve become more aware of the subtle changes in my environment and how they affect me.

This connection has fostered a greater sense of responsibility towards the environment and has inspired me to adopt more sustainable practices in my daily life, and a greater empathy with all animals. It’s not just about enjoying the beauty of nature; it’s about understanding our role in preserving it for future generations.


Living seasonally has also been a way for me to rekindle my sense of wonder and curiosity, helping me reconnect with my inner child and intuition. As adults, we often lose touch with the simple joys and innate wisdom we had as children. By spending more time outdoors and engaging in seasonal activities, I’ve rediscovered the wonder and curiosity that comes so naturally to kids. Whether it’s building a snowman in the winter, planting a garden in the spring, swimming in the summer, or collecting leaves in the fall, these activities have reignited a sense of playfulness and creativity in my life.

I’ve also learned to trust my intuition more, listening to the natural cues and rhythms of my body and environment. This reconnection has made my life more joyful and spontaneous.


Another benefit has been better nutrition and eating habits. Seasonal living has completely changed my approach to food; When you live seasonally, you become more aware of the natural cycles of food. Eating seasonal produce not only tastes better but is also more nutritious and environmentally friendly. Eating seasonal produce has not only enhanced the flavours of my meals but this shift towards seasonal eating has improved my overall health and wellbeing, making me feel more in tune with my body and its needs.

I’ve become more mindful of where my food comes from and the environmental impact of my choices. This shift towards seasonal eating has made me feel more energised and in harmony with nature.


One of the greatest lessons from nature is finding joy in simple pleasures. Whether it’s the first bloom of spring flowers, the warmth of the summer sun, the crunch of autumn leaves, or the cosiness of a winter evening, I’ve learned to savour these small moments. This appreciation for the small things has brought a profound sense of happiness and contentment to my life.

It’s these small, seemingly mundane everyday moments that are the big things that make life beautiful and worthwhile.


Living seasonally has taught me to embrace change rather than resist it. Our one constant in life is change, it’s an inevitable part of being human, and yet we always seem to be fighting it.

Each season brings its own set of changes, from the weather to the activities I engage in. By learning to flow with these changes, I’ve become more adaptable and resilient. Brought more flexibility into my routine, which has meant I’m better able to take care of my body’s needs. This adaptability has helped me navigate life’s ups and downs with greater ease and grace.


Living seasonally has provided me with the space and quiet necessary to tune in to my body and intuition. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to ignore our inner signals and push ourselves beyond our limits. By aligning with the natural rhythms of the seasons, I’ve found moments of stillness and reflection that allow me to listen to my body’s needs and my intuition’s guidance. Whether it’s the slower pace of winter that encourages introspection or the lively energy of spring that sparks creativity, I’ve learned to honour these internal cues.

This practice has led to better self-care, more meaningful decisions, and a deeper sense of alignment with my true self.


One of the most profound lessons from living seasonally is understanding that rest isn't synonymous with failure or falling behind. In our productivity-driven society, rest is often viewed as a luxury or even a sign of weakness. However, nature shows us that rest is a crucial part of the cycle of creation. Just as winter provides a time for the earth to rest and rejuvenate, so too do we need periods of rest to restore our energy and creativity.

Embracing this concept has allowed me to let go of the guilt associated with downtime. Instead, I now see rest as a vital part of my creative process, knowing that it fuels my productivity and wellbeing in the long run.


Being more aware of the natural world has shown me that, just like birds, animals, and plants, humans have our natural cycles of activity and rest, growth and dormancy. There are seasons for blooming, when our energy is high and our efforts come to fruition, and seasons for planning or dreaming when we prepare for future growth.

Not everything we do needs to be busy work.

Recognising these cycles has been liberating, allowing me to embrace periods of stillness and reflection without feeling unproductive. During these quieter times, I can dream, plan, and gather inspiration, knowing that these moments are just as valuable as the active, bustling periods of creation. Combined with everything else this balance has brought a more sustainable and fulfilling rhythm to my life.

These are just a few of the many lessons I’ve learned from living seasonally. The journey has been one of continuous discovery and growth, each season bringing new insights and experiences.

Living seasonally isn a journey of transformation. It has taught me to appreciate the beauty of each season, live in the present, and connect more deeply with nature and myself. These lessons have enriched my life in countless ways, and I look forward to continuing this journey, embracing each new season with open arms and an open heart.

I hope they will have the same effect on you too!

xo Emily

PS. If you’d like to learn more you can check out all my current offerings:

Seasonal Alchemy Guide & Life Planner

Rooted & Intentional — The course that helps you build better habits

Seasonal Sisterhood — Your monthly insight into the themes & energies and dose of Seasonal inspiration.


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