Why Slow Productivity Is Better for Your Growth

Slow Productivity could be called the Art of Working Deliberately…

In today's fast-paced world, the term "slow productivity" might seem counterintuitive. However, this concept has gained much traction and popularity over the recent years as more and more people come to the realisation that “working hard” without ever stopping is counterproductive and eventually becomes harder to maintain, negatively affecting health and quality of life.

Slow productivity is not about working at a snail's pace; rather, it is working deliberately and with intention to produce high-quality results.

Focusing on quality of work & quality of life over quantity of work.

Why Slow Productivity Works

The traditional view of productivity came about during the Industrial Revolution when factory lines wanted workers to be cogs in a machine, focusing on speed and efficiency, with the goal of completing as many tasks as possible in the shortest amount of time.

However, this approach can lead to burnout, decreased creativity, and a lack of attention to detail. Humans aren’t machines. We weren’t meant to work this way.

Slow productivity, on the other hand, encourages a more thoughtful and intentional approach to work. By focusing on one task at a time and giving it the time and attention it deserves, individuals can produce higher quality results and experience greater satisfaction in their work.

Sounds like common sense right?…

But in today’s modern culture, we still seem to idolise this hustle and Girlboss mentality, with more and more people becoming ill due to stress.

The antidote to this?… being slower & more intentional with our work.

Focusing on life balance & our health

When you embrace slow productivity you are able to dedicate more time and energy to each task, improving your overall quality of work.

This means fewer errors, enhanced attention to detail, and a greater sense of pride in the finished product.

Slowing down also allows for deeper immersion in the task at hand, fostering higher creativity and innovation. By taking the time to fully engage with your work you can produce outcomes that are more thoughtful, thorough, and impactful.

And there are many benefits that come from this way of approaching your work & life

Benefits for Work and Achieving Goals

Embracing slow productivity can have numerous benefits for work and goal achievement. By focusing on quality over quantity, individuals can prioritize the most important tasks and ensure that they are completed to a high standard. This can lead to greater effectiveness and efficiency in the long run, as well-executed tasks require less time to revise or correct. Additionally, slow productivity encourages a more sustainable approach to work, reducing the likelihood of burnout and promoting a healthier work-life balance.

Benefits for Mental, Emotional, and Physical Health & Wellbeing

Improving work quality and goal achievement is really only a side benefit in my opinoin. The real beauty of this slow and intentional way of working is that it creates more balance and space within your life, and in turn that creates benefits for your health. Slow productivity can have a significant positive impact on both mental, emotional, and physical health and wellbeing.

By working at a more deliberate pace you reduce stress and anxiety and are less likely to feel overwhelmed by a never-ending list of tasks. Slowing down also allows for greater mindfulness and presence in the moment, enhancing overall well-being. And taking the time to engage fully with each task you undertake contributes to a bigger sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, boosting overall mood and motivation.

While the biggest and most obvious benefit of slow productivity is the reduction in high pressure and stress there are hundreds of small benefits I’ve discovered for myself over the past two years —

  • Improves mental clarity and focus

  • Enables you more time to feed your creativity and passions

  • Clarity over what’s important

  • Less anxiety and busy mind forgetfulness

  • Emotionally more satisfied with the work I produce

  • Better sleep

  • More energy for other activities & enjoying life

  • I’m actually producing more work & at a higher standard

  • Greater passion for the work i’m doing

  • Greater enjoyment of life in general & an increase in quality of life

  • I no longer feel guilty for taking time off or doing things for myself & my enjoyment!

So, as you can see slow productivity offers a compelling alternative to the prevailing emphasis on speed and efficiency in the workplace, and life in general, that our modern society has fostered.

By choosing quality over quantity, and setting your goals with intention you too can start to achieve higher work standards, prioritise & take better care of your wellbeing, and adopt a far more sustainable approach to productivity. I cannot recommend this way of working enough — Embracing slow productivity is not about working less, but rather about working more intentionally, ultimately leading to more meaningful and fulfilling outcomes. And a more meaningful life!

Interested in learning more about how I use the Seasons & rhythms of nature to plan my slow productivity schedule, map out my weeks & months, and prioritise my health, all while producing a higher quality of work?

I spent the past two years creating the ‘Seasonal Alchemy’ process for just that reason.

What to learn more about slow productivity and using the rhythms of nature to help you live and plan better?

If you want a more detailed planning process and a seasonal, cyclical way of planning, tracking, and reviewing your plans as you move through the Year — A way of planning that supports your body’s natural & seasonal rhythms — then you can find my whole goal setting and planning systems in the Seasonal Alchemy Guide & Life Planner.


Seasonal Alchemy is a method that helps you lean into the natural cycle of the seasons & help you make the most of your body’s natural flow of energy, creativity, and focus.


The underlying thread of this process is rebuilding a connection with nature, getting to deeply know your own cycles and needs throughout the month, and taking action with intention & balance so that your daily life supports & nurtures both your health, and your ambitions and goals.

If you want to work and live with purpose and impact, thrive in all areas of your life, and build a beautiful and fulfilling way of life that supports your health & vitality, as well as your personal and work lives


Imagine a life where you effortlessly flow with the energy of each season, finding balance and alignment along the way.

By reconnecting with the cycles and patterns of nature we can reconnect more deeply with ourselves.

Focus on intentional and considered action and let the rest fall away. Focus on what is important to YOU. What would your body need to feel good? What does your mind need?

Start each season by looking at the energy and focus areas of that season, and building your routine and to-do list from there. Taking your cues from nature.

And making sure to focus on your health & wellbeing…

If you’d like to learn more about the seasonal planning process + go deeper into creating a life built on a connection with nature and your cycles you can now shop the Seasonal Alchemy Workbook & Life planner with 20% off

xo Emily


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