Emily & the Plants

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As we reach the peek of the month of June we meet the astrological summer and the Pagan celebration of Litha, or what we now most commonly know as Summer solstice, and the longest day of the year where the hours of daylight are longest, and the night shortest.

There is something magical in the light and energy at this time of year, something that always gives me a little tingle of anticipation up my spine and a bubble of excited energy in my chest.

This year Litha (the summer solstice or midsummer) falls on the 20th June, just two days before the full moon in Capricorn on 22.06.

This is a powerful time of abundance, expansion and prosperity, an opportunity for manifestation, and a time of year where the yang energy of our sun is at it’s peak.

Energetically, Litha represents a peak moment of power and light. It’s a time when the earth is brimming with energy, fertility, and growth. The sun’s strength is at its highest, and with it comes a surge of vitality and potential. Symbolically, Litha embodies the triumph of light over darkness, life over death, and abundance over scarcity.

A celebration of the Sun.

A time for celebrating the healing and life energy of the sun and the abundance it brings.

There is incredible fertile, rich energy at this time of year. Celebrating the abundance, beauty, and magic of nature and the natural world.

Litha is also a time to find a balance between Fire and Water; an acknowledgment that too much fire can also be destructive and must be balanced.

Summer solstice sits opposite the winter solstice (or Yule) in the wheel of the year. A harmonious balancing of light and dark (as with most things found in nature). The word “solstice” is from the Latin word solstitium, which literally translates to “sun stands still.” which I think is a beautiful meaning, and conjures up the feelings you get on those long, hot summer days that are hazy, slow, barefoot and seem never ending. Where we feel sun crisped and relaxed by the end of the day, and go to bed with the sun still up….


Nearly every agricultural society has marked the high point of summer in some way, shape or form.

Historically, Litha was marked by various joyous customs. People would rise at dawn to greet the sunrise, acknowledging the power and energy of the sun. They would gather herbs, which were believed to be especially potent at this time, and use them in rituals for protection and healing.

Homes were decorated with greenery and flowers, creating a vibrant atmosphere that mirrored the abundance of nature. The Oak King and Holly King myth was also a significant part of the festivities, where the Oak King, who ruled the waxing year, was honoured before his symbolic defeat by the Holly King, who would then rule the waning year.

Ancient communities would gather to celebrate the sun at its peak, recognising its vital role in their agricultural cycles; Bonfires were lit on hilltops, symbolising the sun’s light and warmth. People would dance around these fires, and sometimes leap over them, believing it would bring good fortune and protection. These festivals were a time for feasting, singing, and performing rituals that honoured the deities associated with the sun and nature, such as the Celtic god Lugh and the Norse god Balder.


Celebrating Litha is deeply intertwined with connecting to nature. By participating in these pagan-like rituals, we can honour the cycles of the earth and deepen our bond with the natural world and how it influences & supports our lives. This connection fosters a sense of belonging and a greater appreciation for the environment, as well as a greater appreciation for the beauty and wonder we are surrounded with each and every day.


  1. Sunrise Meditation: Begin the day with a meditation at sunrise. Find a quiet spot outdoors, breathe deeply, and absorb the sun’s energy, setting positive intentions for the season ahead.

  2. Nature Walks: Take a walk in nature, paying close attention to the abundance and beauty around you. Collect flowers, herbs, and stones to create a Litha altar at home.

  3. Bonfires: Light a bonfire or candle to symbolize the sun’s power. Gather with loved ones, share stories, and celebrate with music and dance.

  4. Herb Gathering: Pick herbs that are in bloom, such as lavender, chamomile, and St. John’s Wort. Use them in teas, rituals, or as decorations to bring Litha’s energy into your home.

  5. Feasting: Prepare a feast with seasonal foods. Include fruits, vegetables, and dishes that honor the earth’s bounty. Share this meal with friends and family to celebrate the abundance of summer.

  6. Rituals and Spells: Perform rituals or spells focused on growth, protection, and prosperity. Use the potent energy of the solstice to amplify your intentions.

  7. Gratitude Practice: Write down things you are grateful for and reflect on the abundance in your life. Expressing gratitude can enhance your connection to the positive energies of Litha.

  8. Yoga and Movement: Practice yoga or any form of mindful movement outdoors. Connect with your body and the earth, aligning your physical energy with the sun’s powerful rays.

  9. Creative Projects: Engage in creative activities such as painting, crafting, or gardening. Let your creativity flow, inspired by the vibrant energy of the season.

  10. Community Gatherings: Join or organize community events that celebrate the solstice. Whether it’s a local festival, a group meditation, or a potluck, connecting with others can amplify the joyous energy of Litha.

  11. Moon Bathing: After the sun sets, take a moment to bask in the moonlight. This practice balances the sun's intense energy with the calming, reflective energy of the moon, providing a holistic approach to your Litha celebration.

  12. Bird Watching: Spend time observing birds in their natural habitat. Birds are often seen as messengers between the physical and spiritual worlds, and their songs can enhance your connection to nature.

  13. Stargazing: As night falls, lie on the ground and gaze at the stars. This practice can remind you of the vastness of the universe and your place within it, fostering a sense of awe and interconnectedness.

  14. Building a Nature Altar: Create an altar with items found in nature, such as stones, feathers, flowers, and shells. Add candles and symbols of the sun. This sacred space can be used for meditation, prayer, and ritual throughout the summer.


During the summer solstice, the heightened solar energy influences not just the environment, but also our personal energy fields. It’s a time of expansion, where we can draw on the sun’s power to fuel our ambitions and dreams. This period encourages us to harness this energy to manifest our goals, focus on personal growth, and embrace the fullness of life.


Litha is a time for mental clarity and insight, an ideal time for reflection and intention setting. Use the solstice to review your year thus far, celebrate your achievements and wins, gain clarity on your goals and envision your future.

This is a perfect time to reassess your goals and use the heightened energy of the sun to aid in mental clarity and focus so you can strategise and plan more effectively.

Journaling and reflection can also provide profound insights and a sense of direction.


Litha is a time to celebrate physical vitality. Engage in activities that make you feel alive and invigorated.

Celebrate your body by engaging in activities that promote health and vitality, and make you feel alive; Exercise outdoors, whether it’s through hiking, swimming, or practicing yoga. Nourish your body with fresh, seasonal foods that provide energy and strength. Soak up the heat of the sun.


Spiritually, Litha is about connecting deeply with the earth and the sun. It is a time of heightened intuition and connection with nature. Engage in meditation and rituals that align your spirit with the natural world and cycles of nature. This can enhance your intuition and provide a sense of grounding and peace.

This is a powerful time for spiritual growth and connecting with the divine energies of the earth and sun.

You may find that deeper connection and relationship with your intuition and spiritual self at this time can also benefit your mind and body. Heightening your ability to know the right path or next steps you need to take, knowing what your body needs in this moment to be supported and energised, and being able to see and plan your goals and dreams clearly.

By embracing the energy and participating in rituals and activities that embody this summer energy, you can celebrate Litha and the summer solstice in a way that honours ancient traditions while nurturing your mind, body, and spirit & connects you more deeply in communion with Nature and her rhythms and cycles. This magical time invites us to connect deeply with nature, embrace our inner light, and step boldly into the fullness of life. Aligning with our true selves and shining a spotlight on our true purpose.

xo Emily