The Importance of Balance

Everything in life has an opposite









When it comes to health & the body there are many opposing forces like these. In fact opposites can be found everywhere in life and nature. When it comes to health we find that when we swing to one extreme or another that’s when illness occurs. We find our healthiest selves when we can find the balance between. In the body, this balance is called homeostasis.


(/homia(u) steisis/)

from the Greek words for same and steady and refers to any process that living things used to actively maintain stable conditions necessary for survival. The continuous striving by the body to achieve perfect balance.

In nature we see the same kind of balance occurring in the turning of the seasons. Life & Death, and rebirth in a continuous cycle.

In nature there is a time for change, a time for languishing in abundance, a time for growth and play, and a time of rest and reflection... This is why our health & lives improve when we live more aligned with the rhythms of nature and the Seasons. We need balance.

When you find your perfect balance is when you feel at your best mind, body & spirit. But as you & your body are alway changing, always in flux, that takes the ability to be flexible & adaptable.

To achieve that balance you must first get to deeply know your body, understand its needs & what it s trying to tell you. Be guided by your intuition.

You need balance. Your body needs balance.

The more stressed & fast-paced your life is the more balance you need, but the harder it becomes to maintain your balance, despite that being what you need most.

Your life does not to be need to be perfect, poised, disciplined, or rigid. That is not balance…

Creating a life of balance, where you have space to swing and shift to find your equilibrium, listening to what your body, mind and spirit need most in that moment depending on what's going on and what you need most at the time in your life is most important to keeping your health & vitality

Balance & Your Health

The keeping of the scales, the tipping point between opposing forces.

We see it everywhere in nature and the world around us. But have you realised it’s going on within your body too. Right now.

Opposites can be found everywhere in life.

This is why our health & lives improve when we live more aligned with the rhythms of nature and the Seasons — they bring us the balance we need.

Expansion & Contraction

As we move through the year and the seasons shift and change we go through a process of expansion and contraction. A natural ebb and flow of energy.

This makes sense if you think about sunlight as a source of fuel — as the daylight hours fade and darkness rises through Autumn and into Winter the energy contracts & shrinks.

Whereas in Spring and Summer where the daylight hours are longer and we become more active the energy is expanding.

This time of year is a perfect example of feeling that shift as the energy changes…

Have you noticed recently how the light feels different? Your energy has increased? Your mood more consistently hopeful, buoyant and positive?

The closer we get to the end of Feb & the Spring equinox the more those feelings will increase as the suns energy and warmth feeds our bodies, minds & souls.

It is these shifts in energy that give us seasons of rest and renewal, and seasons of growth, action and abundance.

You can also see this energy cycle taking place on a macro level through the moons phases as it waxes and wanes.

But it also through these shifts in energy when our health & wellbeing can struggle.

This energy has a direct influence on us.

Mentally — in how we deal with stress & change, our resilience and ability to stay positive & focused.

Emotionally — SAD related depression is well documented

Physically — we need more sleep through the autumn/winter months as well as more nutritional fuel to stay warm

Have you felt the change?

Modern culture disregards our cyclicality & expects us to show up for life statically, as though we're the same day after day. We tend to take this on and expect ourselves to produce and perform constantly. But it's important to honour our ebbs as much as we honour our flows to protect our health..

The lower points in our energy cycle are what fuel the higher points and vice versa.

How Balance Makes a Difference

Living a balanced lifestyle is the missing piece for us to maintain our overall wellbeing and health in the long run. And that includes taking care of not just your physical health but mental and emotional wellbeing too.

When we create a balanced work life, we aren’t just improving our productivity, but improving our way of life and quality of living too. This internally has a positive impact and effect on our health, how we feel each day, and how our bodies are able to deal with the stress of day to day life.

Here are just some of the benefits for health & your work:

1. Mind and Emotions

When you create a life of balance that encompasses time away from work, time to focus on yourself & partake in activities that nourish your mind and emotions such as meditation, mindfulness practices, or creative hobbies reduce stress and reconnect you to the world outside of your work you in turn improve mental clarity, and enhance your emotional resilience.

Taking time to relax and unwind is essential for mental health and emotional stability. Not to mention your mindset and mental state towards your work & when you are at work. There’s nothing like time away to clear your head and allow you to focus back in with even more precision & focus.

2. Body

The most obvious benefits of creating a life of balance are in the way it impacts your health & wellbeing physically. Physical health is a key component of how we feel on a day to day basis, and our ability to enjoy life to the fullest. When we feel health & strong we feel good. Able to achieve anything.

When we are too focus on work and achieving goals we often neglect the other parts of life that are just as important — regular exercise, nutritious diet, sufficient sleep, connection, creativity & playfulness. When we neglect the fundamentals in maintaining a healthy body we are less resilient and able to cope with difficulties life sends our way, more prone to stress & illness. Physical activity not only boosts our energy levels but also strengthens our immune system, reduces the risk of chronic diseases, and promotes overall well-being.

Creating a better balance between work and play/rest also impacts how our bodies deal with stress, allows our body the safety to heal & repair, and reduces your risk of chronic illness & burnout.

3. Improved health & Long-Term Vitality

Prioritising more balance, and its short term benefits and effect on our daily lives, physical & mental health and reduction in stress all improve lifestyle, and consistent investments like these contribute to your long-term health and vitality. The healthy habits you commit to today can have a significant impact on your future wellbeing, reducing the risk of illness, protecting your health and wellbeing & help us age just a little more gracefully

It's about sowing the seeds of good health for a vibrant and fulfilling future.

By focusing on balance in all aspects of life, you promote improved health and overall wellbeing. Nurturing your physical, emotional, and mental health through balanced practices supports a robust immune system, reduces the risk of illness, and enhances your quality of life.

4. Positive Outlook

When you give yourself the space and time to truly enjoy life, nurture yourself & see the benefits a slower pace can bring, it affects how you see life too.

Your outlook naturally becomes more positive and optimistic when you are experiencing more positive things, and you are more able to deal with tough situations and times because your mind, body & emotions are more balanced and less stressed.

Embracing a balanced lifestyle cultivates a sense of gratitude and appreciation for everyday experiences. By finding joy in the simple moments and prioritising activities that bring happiness, you can elevate the quality of your daily life and overall wellbeing exponentially.

5. Passion & Creativity

Balancing our daily routines with activities we are passionate about fosters creativity and inspiration. Pursuing hobbies and interests outside of your work not only provides a creative outlet but can also reignite your passion for life, leading to a more fulfilling and balanced existence…. and allows your brain and subconscious to work on any problems or creative ideas to come up with solutions for you without you even trying.

6. Guilt-free Flexibility

When you choose a balanced lifestyle, choose to adapt with the changing seasons, and know in your heart that it’s not only the best thing for your health & vitality, but that those moments of rest are as beneficial to your productivity as the actual action…

That allows for flexibility without guilt. Being able to adapt to changing circumstances or priorities without compromising your wellbeing, and seeing the positive impact that brings you instills a sense of freedom and empowerment, enabling you to navigate life's challenges with ease.

7. Deeper Relationship with Your Body

When you prioritise your self-care and listen to your body's needs, you develop a deeper understanding and connection with your physical self. Tuning into your body's signals, such as hunger, fatigue, or stress, allows for better self-care and overall wellbeing.

8. Higher Level of Productivity & Focus

Ironically the more time off you take, the more flexible you are with your routine, that also means that you’re able to be more focused and productive at the times when you do work. A well-balanced lifestyle actually supports higher levels of productivity and focus, because when our physical, mental, and emotional needs are met, we can concentrate better, work more efficiently, and achieve our goals with greater clarity and purpose.

When we take care of our physical and mental health, we are better equipped to handle the demands of work, and higher energy levels and improved focus, lead to enhanced productivity and efficiency.

9. More Energy & Vitality

Allowing your body to rest more & recouperate when it needs to, having regular breaks and time away from ‘doing’ where you can prioritise youself and are able to practice the routines and rituals that support your health on a regular basis, filling up your cup and recharging your batteries leads to increased energy levels and feelings of wellbeing & vitality. Plus feeling energised and rejuvenated enables you to tackle daily tasks with enthusiasm and vigor, enhancing the quality of your work and personal life.

10. Less Stress & Greater Resilience

Maintaining a balance between work, personal life, and self-care reduces stress levels and enhances resilience. Developing coping mechanisms, such as mindfulness practices or relaxation techniques, equips you to effectively manage stressors and bounce back from challenges with strength and composure.

Creating spaces for yourself where you can regulate your nervous system and be in environments where you feel safe improves the health and tone of your nervous system, allowing the body to function more effectively, reduce inflammation, heal, and properly digest your food.

11. More Time for Yourself & Enjoyment

Creating a balanced lifestyle allows you to allocate time for self-care and prioritise the things that bring you joy. Setting aside dedicated time for hobbies, relaxation, or self-reflection fosters a sense of fulfillment and self-nurturing, enriching your overall quality of life.

12. Deeper Connection with Nature & the Natural World

Balancing life and living in tune with the changes in seasons brings about a deeper connection with nature, grounding yourself in the beauty and tranquility of the natural world. Noticing the little changes and how they affect your body, mind, moods, sleep patterns etc.

Plus spending time outdoors, practicing mindfulness in nature, and appreciating the Earth's wonders can bring a sense of peace, harmony, and interconnectedness to your life.

If you want to find your health & heal, you need balance

Want to start creating your balance?

It starts with simplicity - simplifying your life. Giving yourself the space to hear your intuition whisper. Giving yourself the grace to learn, adapt, and understand your mind and body. Attuning with the rhythms of Nature.

What to learn more about finding your balance & how it can help heal? Or start your own health journey?

Creating balance, Nutrition, Sleep, hormone health, digestion, living with the seasons…. All of this & more is covered in my 1:1 coaching sessions. You can find out all the details & book yours via my contact page or by visiting my coaching options

xo Emily


Planning for Every Season with Intention & Balance


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