Emily & the Plants

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Ten Ways to Start Embracing a Slower, Seasonal Lifestyle

In today's fast-paced world, it often feels like we're constantly rushing from one task to the next, leaving little time to truly savour the moments that make life meaningful. It’s also incredibly easy, in a noisy World of highlight reels and social media experts, to fall into the trap of following someone else’s habits and routines because it looks like they’re thriving and enjoying life, without considering how those things might fit into your life, or even if those habits are beneficial to you and your body’s needs.

We are all uniquely different, meaning what makes us healthy and feel good is also unique and individual to you. One of the things I love about this slow, intentional and seasonal approach to life and health is that it allows you to find the right balance for your health & life.

A slow and seasonal approach to living offers a refreshing alternative, inviting us to decelerate and prioritise what truly matters.

Slow living is a lifestyle philosophy that encourages a more deliberate, mindful approach to life. It promotes the idea of slowing down to appreciate the present moment, build deeper connections with self and the natural world, and live in harmony with our surroundings. Encompassing various aspects of life, from work and leisure to relationships and selfcare.

When we focus on simplicity, quality over quantity, sustainability, connection and a mindful approach to daily life it has many positive benefits to both our health, mindset and quality of life. From reducing stress to improving sleep, immunity & mental and physical health a slow, seasonal approach to life proves that we are not here to stay busy and overstimulated all the time…

It’s pretty clear to me that we as a society have been conditioned to neglect our bodies, our health, and to view self care as a luxury instead of a necessity.

Seasonal living is a way to begin the journey back to yourself….

10 Ways to Get Started with Slow Living

  1. What are Your Needs

    Identifying your true needs helps strip away excess and focus on what truly matters. It’s the first step towards intentional living, allowing you to prioritize essentials over distractions.

    If it help you can use Maslows Hierarchy of needs to decide what your needs are in order of importance from essential to optional.

  2. Declutter & make space

    Removing physical and mental clutter creates room for what’s important. This process fosters a peaceful environment, reducing stress and making it easier to focus on your priorities.

    This includes prioritising the things you use and buy. The things you watch, listen to and consume via social media/online — what you consume you become, so it’s god to focus on less noise and less negative or low vibrational content.

  3. Prioritise your time in a balance way

    Work, rest, self care, creative time etc. Balancing how you spend your time ensures that your activities align with your values and needs, and that your energy and health are always a priority. In the long term this leads to a more fulfilling and less rushed life, emphasising quality over quantity.

  4. Get intentional

    Habits don’t become habits overnight. Just like you track how much water you drink to stay motivated start by creating a plan for your day and week using a planner so you can check back each day and see if you stuck to it.

    Being intentional involves making deliberate choices that align with your goals and values. It helps you live with purpose, ensuring that your actions contribute to your overall wellbeing.

  5. Focus on how it feels

    This is quality over quantity so instead of focusing on how much you’ve got done or ‘achieved’ each day, focus on how you feel.

    Paying attention to how your choices make you feel helps you tune into what truly benefits you. This awareness encourages decisions that enhance your well-being and happiness.

  6. Cyclical nutrition

    Get to know what fruits and vegetables are in season at each point of the year in your local area, and make food fun by experimenting and creating different recipes for different seasons using as much seasonal fresh produce as you can.

    Eating in harmony with natures seasons supports physical health, immunity, essential nutrient absorption, and promotes a deeper connection with nature. It emphasises mindfulness in dietary choices, contributing to a balanced lifestyle.

  7. Set an Intention

    Each morning when you wake up you decide how you will feel and how your day will go. Set an intention or use mantras to help you prioritise and choose what you want to focus on.

    Setting clear intentions guides your actions and decisions, helping you stay focused on what truly matters. This practice fosters a sense of purpose and direction in your daily life.

  8. Review & assess

    Taking time daily weekly and monthly to check in with yourself and your progress helps you stay on track and course correct when needed. It’s an essential part of healthy productivity.

    Regularly reviewing and assessing your progress ensures that you stay aligned with your intentions and goals. This reflective practice allows for adjustments, keeping your life on a purposeful path.

  9. Reverse engineering

    Where we would normally focus on work and fit other things around that try focusing on time for self care, creativity and rest first — putting yourself first — and then add smaller blocks of focused work time around that

    Starting with the end in mind and working backwards helps you design a life that aligns with your desired outcomes. It ensures that your daily actions contribute to your long-term goals.

  10. Connecting with Nature

    Connection with the natural world builds a deeper connection and understanding of the rhythms and cycles of the world around you, as well as keeping you present and in the moment.

    Spending time in nature grounds you and offers a sense of calm and perspective. It reminds you of the simple pleasures in life and encourages a slower, more mindful way of living

Together, these practices help cultivate a lifestyle that is deliberate, balanced, and aligned with your true self.

Transitioning to a slow living lifestyle doesn't happen overnight. It requires a commitment to making gradual changes and being mindful of your habits and choices.

Adopting a slow living lifestyle is a transformative journey that encourages us to savor life's simple pleasures, cultivate deeper connections, and live in harmony with our surroundings.

Remember, the key to successful slow living is to start small, be patient, and stay committed to making intentional choices that align with your values.

Embrace the slow living mentality, and discover the profound joy of living life at a more mindful, deliberate pace.

xo Emily