Did you know you can drink water yet still be dehydrated?

Although you wouldn’t think it right now, we are in the midst of Summer here in the Northern hemisphere, and that means water, and the hydration of our bodies is more important than ever — especially when it comes to our skin, and our health.

Hydration is so much more than ‘water’. To truly feel hydrated your body needs to be taking in water nutrients; otherwise known as electrolytes.

What are Electrolytes?

If you haven’t heard of them already (and I assume most of you may have as they are a popular topic in gym and health circles)

Electrolytes are minerals in your blood and other body fluids that carry an electric charge. Electrolytes affect how your body functions in many ways. They are essential for many bodily functions, one of their most important roles is to help regulate fluid balance in the body i.e. the amount of water in your body.

They are also involved in some key functions such as keeping your body running by sending electrical impulses to cells in your nerves and muscles, managing your blood pressure, and repairing damaged tissue.

Electrolytes are minerals found in the everyday food we eat, such as sodium, potassium, chloride and magnesium, that carry an electrical charge when dissolved in water — this is because they dissolve into positive and negative ions.

When you drink water, it primarily hydrates you by replacing lost fluids, but it doesn't always contain electrolytes. Especially if it has been filtered and processed.

Why do we need electrolytes

Electrolytes are particularly important when you're dehydrated due to exercise, illness, or hot weather, as you lose electrolytes through sweat, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Thankfully most of us will only have to worry about the seating part of those examples, and we all know we sweat more when it’s hotter. Especially we Brits who definitely aren’t used to the heat.

In these cases especially, it's important to drink fluids that contain electrolytes to help your body rehydrate efficiently and replenish essential minerals.

Signs of low electrolytes

Mostly we won’t notice any symptoms when we are low on electrolytes. Although you may have experienced some of the milder symptoms after an intense workout or a day in the sun if you have not been hydrating enough. In severe cases signs and symptoms include:

  • Dizziness.

  • Brain swelling.

  • Shock.

  • A fast or abnormal heart rate.

  • Confusion.

  • Irritability.

  • Nausea and vomiting.

  • Lethargy.

Electrolytes not only play an important role in hydration, but drinks that contain both fluids and electrolytes are especially useful for replenishing lost minerals and maintaining fluid balance when your body is under stress.

How burnout and chronic stress drains body’s essential mineral levels

When you're under stress, your adrenal glands pump out stress hormones. If you're under pressure for a long period, eventually your adrenals become exhausted, causing an adrenal insufficiency. When adrenal fatigue progresses, aldosterone - the adrenal hormone - drops causing dehydration and low electrolyte levels.

Excessive stress also causes a loss of Magnesium, Sodium and other vital minerals and vitamins via the kidneys and your urine.

When the body is drained of the very minerals and essential nutrients it needs to function that is when more sever health problems such as Chronic fatigue/Me, Burnout, Adrenal fatigue, Diabetes etc. start to develop

This is just another reason to ensure that you are getting the right kind of hydration regularly!!

Six ways to get your electrolytes

The good news there are many ingredients you already have in your cupboard that can be combined to help you increase your electrolyte minerals and hydration.

Here's a list of six simple recipes to help you get more electrolytes:

The Post Workout Drink:

In a jar or bottle, mix water, coconut water, freshly squeezed citrus juice, sea salt and honey. Adjust the amount of honey and salt according to your taste. Shake to combine and chill in the fridge. Drink as needed.

The Green Smoothie

Blend together spinach, kale, banana, almond milk, avocado, dates and a pinch of sea salt. You can add more water or coconut water to thin it out. Greens like spinach and kale are rich in potassium and magnesium among other nutrients.

Simple Electrolyte Water

Mix a pinch of sea salt with pure water and drink. You can also add coconut water or freshly squeezed citrus juice for extra flavuor and nutrients.

Electrolyte Salad

Mix together spinach, cucumber, bell peppers, avocado, celery and pumpkin seeds. Top with a dressing made with lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, honey, dried oregano and sea salt.

The Hydrating Berry Popsicles

Blend together plain or coconut water, berries and a pinch of sea salt. Pour the mixture into popsicle moulds and freeze.

Warm Lemon Water with Salt

In a cup of warm water, squeeze half a lemon and mix in a pinch of high-quality sea salt. This recipe is a great way to start your day, as it can help balance electrolytes and aid in digestion. Perfect for morning hydration and to get the digestion, liver and kidneys fired up.

There are many delicious recipes that can help you increase your electrolyte intake and maintain optimal hydration levels or using simple ingredients added to water; Coconut water, Himalayan salt, honey, lemon juice.

On the other hand, electrolyte-rich drinks (such as sports drinks and coconut water) provide both fluids and electrolytes, which helps to maintain your body's overall electrolyte balance in a pinch. Although these also have added sugars, flavourings, caffeine and colourings so aren’t as healthy an option…

xo Emily


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