How the Energies of Each Season Affect our Health

We all know and understand that the weather changes as we move through each of the four seasons, but we don’t always stop to think about how those changes affect us. Both physical and mental health, as well as our emotional and spiritual well-being.

Often, without realising it, our habits, and the activities we choose to do, will change with the seasons, sometimes for the better, sometimes to the detriment of our health and well-being.

The Energy of the Seasons

As the seasons change, so too do the energies that surround us. If you have any interest in the pagan wheel of the year celebrations and take the time to mark the solstices and equinoxes through the years then you may already have noticed, these two shifts and changes.

These energies can have a significant impact on our overall health and well-being, both mentally and physically.

Each season has its own energy, and it’s in Nature we {can} see reflected where our focus should naturally fall each season. Each season has themes and areas of focus that it lends itself towards.

These are the things we should be doing more of during that particular season (or things you may find yourself already naturally drawn to[wards]).

Summer is the season where we are closest to the sun, where daylight hours are the longest and sunlight the brightest and warmest.

In comparison Winter is the season where we are furthest away from the sun, the days are shorter and colder, the sunlight fleeting, and the hours of darkness increase.

The months in between these are the transition months and the seasons of balance (they are equal distances between Winter and Summer, and have equal amounts of day and night) : Spring and Autumn represent hope and release respectively.

Rather than thinking of the year as linear. We switch to thinking of the seasons as a wheel or a cycle; one that repeats itself in an expanding and contracting pattern.

Spring and summer are the expansive energy: months when there is more outward facing energy - Flowers and plants grow, the hours of sunlight are longer, and the sun's strength and heat are greater.

These are the seasons for more time outdoors, less sleep and longer days, more socialising, more growth, and pushing outside of your comfort zone.

Autumn and Winter are contractive energy: things begin to draw in on themselves, plants start to shed their leaves, flowers die back, and animals prepare for and then enter hibernation in the Winter.

The ground becomes cold and hard, and the weather is the same.

These are the seasons where our own energy should be preserved, and we shift towards spending more time indoors, staying warm, sleeping longer, and doing less strenuous activity: both physical and mental.

We all have internal seasons; times when we need or crave rest, isolation, and seasons when we are active, vibrant, and full of life and creative ideas. These may not fall in sync with the seasons of nature each year. But it is an important reminder that knowing and listening to our internal patterns is an essential part of our wellbeing and continuing health for the long term.

Everything in nature is about balance. And everything in nature is cyclical. Yet we humans seem to think we know better and have long neglected these natural rhythms and patterns that sustain and nurture us.

The seasons are the simplest example of nature’s cycles. Repeating year after year.

This seasonal energy can be used not just for seasonal living, but also for our health and wellbeing, and how we plan and organise our years, months, weeks, and days.

Let’s explore how each of the four seasons affects our health and provide tips on how to stay healthy throughout the year.

How Each Season Can Impact Your Health

In this post, we are exploring the seasonal effects on our health in particular:


Spring is the season when the earth starts to warm and thaw, the worms start moving and the plants and trees reawaken.

Reawakening is the theme of Spring, a time of new beginnings, growth, and renewal. After the long, cold months of winter, spring is a time of rejuvenation. As the earth wakes up from its winter slumber, everything around us comes back to life.

One of the best ways to take advantage of the energies of spring is to spend more time outside. Take walks in nature, do some gardening, or simply sit outside and soak up the sun. This can help boost your mood, reduce stress, and increase your vitamin D levels, which is essential for strong bones and a healthy immune system.

During this time, we want our bodies to feel lighter and more energetic, which can be a welcome change after the heaviness of winter. But sometimes this needs a little work. Changes to our diet and introducing herbs such as cleavers, chickweed and nettle can help cleanse the liver and digestion, reawaken the body’s fluids, and give you a must needed burst of energy — think if them as a spring clean for your insides!

Health recommendations and good habits:

  • Spend more time outside. Take walks in nature, do some gardening, or simply sit outside and soak up the sun. This can help boost your mood, reduce stress, and increase your vitamin D levels, which is essential for strong bones and a healthy immune system.

  • Practice gentle exercises like yoga and tai chi to promote flexibility and mindfulness.

  • Eat lighter, fresher, and greener foods while avoiding heavy, oily, and fatty foods.

  • Spring clean your surroundings to promote a fresh and clean environment.

  • Get enough sleep and rest to help restore energy and promote overall well-being.


Summer is the season when everything is growing and in full bloom, the season of abundance, joy, and vitality. It is a time when the sun is at its strongest, and the days are long and warm. The animals and plants are at their busiest and during this time, our bodies tend to feel more relaxed and open, which can help us connect with others and enjoy life to the fullest.

The heat of the sun warms our muscles, gives us energy, and makes sure we have plenty of Vitamin D.

To make the most of summer's energies, it's important to stay hydrated and protect your skin from the sun. Focus on eating fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables, which are abundant during the summer months — especially those that are high in water; melons, cucumber, lettuce, and berries (which are also full of much needed antioxidants to protect your skin).

Getting plenty of exercise and rest is also important during this time, as it can help you maintain your energy levels and stay healthy — the key here is all about balance. Don’t get carried away by the fiery energies of Summer!

Health recommendations and good habits:

  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and fresh juices to prevent dehydration.

  • Protect your skin from the sun by wearing protective clothing and using sunscreen.

  • Enjoy fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables that are abundant during the summer months.

  • Get plenty of exercise and rest to maintain your energy levels and stay healthy.

  • Take advantage of the long days and warm weather to spend time outdoors and connect with nature.


Autumn or Fall is the season when nature begins to cool down again, the leaves start to change colour and fall as trees and plants draw their energy and life source back into their roots, a season of transition, release, and wisdom. It is a time when nature begins to slow down and prepare for the winter ahead.

During this time, our bodies tend to feel more introspective and reflective, which can help us gain new insights and perspectives. It is a perfect time of year to not only give thanks for your abundance during the summer, but to also review and realign — what do you need to release and let go like the trees? What (or who) have you being giving energy to that you need to draw back to yourself?

To take advantage of fall's energies, focus on nourishing your body with warm, comforting foods and drinks. Spend time in nature, and practice self-care activities like meditation, yoga, or journaling. This can help you stay centred and grounded during this time of change.

Health recommendations and good habits:

  • Nourish your body with warm, comforting foods and drinks to help boost your immune system.

  • Spend time in nature to appreciate the changing colours and scenery.

  • Practice self-care activities like meditation, yoga, or journaling to stay centred and grounded during this time of change.

  • Get enough sleep and rest to maintain your energy levels and promote overall well-being.

  • Spend time with loved ones and connect with your community to promote a sense of belonging and support.


Winter is the season when the world turns cold and hard, the plants seem dead, and all of life goes underground to hibernate, conserve energy and stay warm in preparation for their ‘rebirth’ come Spring. This is a season of rest, reflection, and renewal. It is a time when nature is at its most quiet and still, and we are encouraged to slow down and take stock of our lives too.

During this time, our bodies tend to feel more tired and sluggish, which can be a sign that we need to rest and recharge. We tend to require more sleep (which is only natural as the hours of darkness lengthen), and we need more food as fuel to keep us warm.

To stay healthy during the winter months, focus on getting plenty of rest and nourishing your body with warming, hearty foods. This is a time of introspection, daydreaming, and turning inward. Feeding your inner world so that you can be more creative and productive later. Take advantage of the extra time indoors to read, write, or pursue other creative activities. This can help you maintain your mental and emotional well-being during the darker, colder months of the year.

Health recommendations and good habits:

  • Get plenty of rest and sleep to help restore energy and promote overall well-being.

  • Nourish your body with warming, hearty foods that can help you feel full and satisfied.

  • Take advantage of the extra time indoors to read, write, or pursue other creative activities.

  • Practice relaxation techniques like meditation or deep breathing to help manage stress and anxiety.

  • Take advantage of the quiet and stillness of winter to reflect on your goals and aspirations for the coming year.

Each season has its own unique energies that can have a significant impact on our health and well-being. By understanding these energies and taking steps to harness them, balance them, and prevent any excess — which can lead to health problems and complaints — we can stay healthy and happy throughout the year.

Remember to take care of your body and mind during each season, and you will be able to enjoy all that each season has to offer.

Notice what nature is doing in each season and you will gain a little of her wisdom as well as start to reconnect with nature and the world around you.


If you would like to learn more about seasonal productivity and a cyclical approach to life & work you can read my eBook; Seasonal Alchemy, your guide to diving deeper into the world of seasonal & cyclical living for planning with the rhythms of nature. You can also check out the accompanying Seasonal Life planner

Combined these two resources offer you seasonal guidance for health, productivity & creating a balanced, intentional life plus a framework that offers easy reference to help you stay aligned with your natural rhythms all year round, eat seasonally, stay mindful & connected… and SO MUCH MORE

xo Emily


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