Connecting the Seasons, Herbalism & Body Health

There is a thread, a link that, like the roots of trees that interweave so they can communicate with each other, connects us to the plants, animals and Planet around us.

The atoms and molecules that make up our bodies are also found in our atmosphere, environment, plants, animals, even in the stars…

Whether we like to admit it or not, are bodies are influenced by and inextricably connected to the world around us.

Exploring Their Interconnected Influence

The interconnectedness of seasons, herbalism, and physical health is a fascinating area to explore. Each season brings its unique qualities and influences our well-being in various ways. Herbalism, the practice of using plants for medicinal purposes, complements these seasonal changes and can aid in maintaining and improving our physical health as well as supporting the body and magnifying its own natural healing abilities.

Each of the Seasons has a connection with one Element over the others —

Spring - Air

Summer - Fire

Autumn - Water

Winter - Earth

In the same way different body types and characteristics, symptoms, and plants can be seen to long with one of the Elements in how they present themselves and the properties they possess.

The elements, such as earth, air, fire, and water, provide a fundamental connection between the seasons, herbalism, and physical health.

Each element plays a role in shaping the characteristics of different seasons and affects the growth and properties of medicinal plants. For instance, earth represents stability and grounding, which aligns with the nourishing qualities of herbal remedies that promote physical health. Air symbolises movement and change, reflecting how the seasons transition and influence our bodies' needs. Fire embodies warmth and transformation, mirroring the energy and vitality of summer, while water represents fluidity and adaptability, essential for maintaining optimal physical health in different environments.

The interplay of these elements guides herbalists and helps us in selecting suitable plants and practices for each season, and for each individual, bringing a harmony with nature and an even more personal and precise treatment for each client, helping support their overall wellbeing whatever the season.

You can see this interconnection and categorisation play out in both Astro Herbalism, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, and the earliest forms of Western medicine.

Understanding how these elements connect and influence each other can bring us closer to nature, help us understand our bodies better, and make it easier to not only take care of ourselves, choose the best foods and herbs for our needs, but also to become more aware of the changes that occur as we shift through the seasons and adapt accordingly.


The Season of Renewal and Detoxification

Spring signifies renewal and rejuvenation after the dormant winter months. As nature awakens, we too can focus on detoxifying and refreshing our bodies. Herbal remedies like dandelion root, nettle leaf, and cleavers can support liver and kidney function, facilitating the elimination of built-up toxins. Spring also offers opportunities for physical activity, such as gardening or outdoor exercises, which boost vitality and circulation.


Nourishment and Energy

During the vibrant summer season, our bodies require nourishment and energy to sustain the increased activity levels and exposure to the sun. Herbal allies such as chamomile, lemon balm, and lavender can help us manage stress, promote restful sleep, and support digestion. Consuming seasonal fruits and vegetables, rich in antioxidants and hydration properties, further uplift our physical health in alignment with the summer's energetic vibe.


Harvest, Immunity, and Resilience

Autumn is the season of harvest and preparation for the colder months ahead. As the temperature cools, it becomes crucial to support our immune system. Herbs like elderberry, echinacea, and ginger provide immune-boosting properties, helping us transition smoothly into the winter season. Autumn is also a time to slow down and practice self-care, as the nights grow longer, reflecting nature's shift towards introspection.


Rest, Restoration, and Immune Support

Winter presents an opportunity for rest, restoration, and strengthening our immunity. Cold and flu season peaks during this period, making it essential to support our body's defense mechanisms. Herbs such as astragalus, eleuthero, and reishi mushroom can bolster our immune system and combat seasonal illnesses. Winter is an ideal time to focus on indoor activities, engage in gentle exercises like yoga or tai chi, and prioritize self-care practices like warm baths and herbal teas.

The Energy Influence

The energy around you is constantly shifting, changing, expanding and contracting, and just like the moon pulls and controls the tides that energy can pull US in different directions too. That doesn’t mean it is a bad thing, or that we don’t have any control. BUT, what is important to understand is that it takes a LOT more energy and exertion from us to try and push against these energies instead of adapting and aligning to them so that we can use that energy to boost and increase our abilities.

Not only can these energy changes affect our creativity, focus, productivity, ability to focus, plan or take action, they also impact areas of our health too. Sleep, our emotions, physical or mental exhaustion, dreams, resilience and so much more can be impacted by these changes, and if we aren’t tuned into our bodies and what’s going on in the world around us these changes can 1. feel like our body is working against us, and 2. have us trying to push and force our way towards particular goals or outcomes and depleting our resources which in the long term damages our health and wellbeing.

Recognising the interconnectedness of the seasons, herbalism, and physical health allows us to align our wellbeing with the natural rhythms of the earth. By understanding the unique qualities and influences of each season, we can make informed choices about the herbs and practices that support our physical health. The actions we take, the habits and routines we choose.

Incorporating herbal remedies into our lifestyles can helps us maintain balance of the Elements within the body, optimise our immune system, and enhance our overall wellbeing.

By embracing the wisdom of the seasons and the power of plants, we can thrive in harmony with the changing world around us.


If you would like to learn more about seasonal productivity and a cyclical approach to life & work you can read my eBook; Seasonal Alchemy, your guide to diving deeper into the world of seasonal & cyclical living for planning with the rhythms of nature. You can also check out the accompanying Seasonal Life planner

Combined these two resources offer you seasonal guidance for health, productivity & creating a balanced, intentional life plus a framework that offers easy reference to help you stay aligned with your natural rhythms all year round, eat seasonally, stay mindful & connected… and SO MUCH MORE

xo Emily


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