Emily & the Plants

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The Gentle Strength & Heart Healing of Roses

Summer is the season of the rose. Whether it’s the delicate flowers of the wild (dog) roses that cover the hedgerows like strewn confetti, or the regal, enchanting heads and array of colours of the cultivated flowers of rose gardens, this is the time of year when their heady scent fills the air… an epitome of languid summer evenings.

I have been using rose petals for a while now for both their skin healing and nurturing properties and their ability to gently uplift the spirit and calm the mind and body. But I think perhaps roses greatest strength in healing lies in their affinity with the heart.

Rose may have a long history as the flower of love and the favourite option for valentines flowers for lovers everywhere, but its affinity for heart healing goes much deeper than that.

While we often associate roses with love and romance they’re also powerhouse herbal remedies, especially for our hearts

Roses and Your Physical Heart

Roses have been cherished for centuries for both fragrance and for their medicinal properties. Rose petals, especially from the Rosa damascena variety, are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and essential oils that support heart health. Here’s how they work their magic:

  1. Anti-inflammatory Properties: Roses can help reduce inflammation in the cardiovascular system, which is key to preventing heart disease. Chronic inflammation is a sneaky culprit behind many heart issues, so keeping it in check is a big win for your ticker.

  2. Antioxidant Boost: The antioxidants in rose petals, like flavonoids and polyphenols, help protect your heart by fighting off free radicals. These bad guys can cause oxidative stress, leading to a host of heart problems. Antioxidants to the rescue!

  3. Blood Pressure Regulation: Some studies suggest that the essential oils in roses can help lower blood pressure, giving your heart a bit of a breather. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart attacks and strokes, so a little rose love can go a long way.

From ancient Egypt to monastic times we see rose as a symbol of youth and love and as a much revered remedy.

Rose petals are very astringent, making them excellent for washing skin and bruises. Roses are also classically considered a strong aphrodisiac and antidepressant.

Rose water can be used to treat skin irritations, sore throats, and skin redness (including rosacea, acne, and eczema), prevent infections, heal cuts, bruises, and burns, relieve headaches, and enhance moods. It is a by-product of the distillation of rose oil and has been used for centuries in Persia (Iran), India, China, Egypt, and Europe to enhance skin.

In Lebanon, they have a drink called white tea, which is hot water with rose water.

But more than that roses work on an emotional and energetic level…

Roses for Emotional Healing

Rose is a heart opener and protector. They’re like a warm hug for your emotions, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

Rose is full of femininity, comfort and tenderness. It can be used to help heal a broken heart, to find calm after trauma and emotional upheaval, and provide us with a feeling of warm comfort.

Rose is advocate and support on our journey of self love and compassion.Rose supports us to honour ourselves and reminds us of the healing that nature’s beauty and our own inner beauty can provide to us.

  1. Mood Uplifter: Feeling down or stressed? Rose can help lift your spirits. The scent of rose is known to have calming and antidepressant effects, making it perfect for soothing anxiety and boosting your mood. Think of it as nature’s Prozac, minus the side effects!

  2. Emotional Balance: Roses are often used in aromatherapy to balance emotions. Whether you’re dealing with grief, heartbreak, or just a rough day, a bit of rose essential oil can help bring back a sense of peace and stability.

  3. Heart Opener: On a deeper emotional level, roses are believed to open the heart chakra, allowing for better emotional flow and healing. They can help you let go of past hurts and welcome in new love and joy.

The Energetic Perspective

Energetically roses are gentle yet high-vibrational flowers, and their energy is all about love, compassion, and healing.

  1. Heart Chakra Healing: As mentioned, roses are deeply connected to the heart chakra, which governs our ability to give and receive love. Using rose in your spiritual practices can help clear blockages and open you up to more loving and harmonious relationships.

  2. Aura Cleanser: Roses are also said to cleanse and uplift your aura, the energy field around your body. This can help you feel more vibrant and aligned with your true self, promoting overall well-being.

  3. Spiritual Connection: Many people use rose in meditation or rituals to connect with higher realms and their own inner wisdom. It’s like having a spiritual guide in flower form, helping you navigate life’s ups and downs with grace and love.

Perhaps Roses greatest medicine is the lesson she teaches us around discernment, boundaries, protection and that softness and strength can co-exist

How to Use Rose in Your Daily Life

Ready to bring the magic of roses into your daily routine? Here are a few simple and delightful ways to do just that:

  • Rose Tea: Brew yourself a cup of rose tea. It’s soothing, aromatic, and packed with health benefits. Plus, it’s a beautiful way to start or end your day.

  • Rose Water: Use rose water as a facial toner or add it to your bath. It’s great for your skin and smells divine.

  • Rose Essential Oil: A few drops in a diffuser or added to a carrier oil for a massage can do wonders for your mood and energy.

  • Fresh Roses: Don’t underestimate the power of fresh roses. Simply having them around can uplift your space and your spirits.

So next time you see a rose, take a moment to appreciate all the ways this lovely flower can bring a little more love and healing into your life.

xo Emily