Root Medicine for Autumn

Autumn in nature is a season of shedding and releasing, drawing energy back into the roots. In Herbalism Autumn is also a time for harvesting roots and using their beautiful grounding and calming properties.

As the nights grow longer and the leaves start to change colours, autumn gently ushers in a time of transition and reflection. Beyond its natural beauty, the Autumn season offers many energetic medicine and health benefits that can be harnessed for our overall well-being.

We can harness the Energetic Medicine and Health Benefits of Autumn for Mind and Body — here we will explore how autumn affects our mind and body, and delve into the medicinal and herbal plants that can support our wellbeing, with a special focus on roots found during this time of year.

Autumn's Energetic Medicine

Autumn is a season of introspection and grounding, providing an opportunity to reconnect with ourselves and establish balance. As the trees and plants draw their energy and focus inward , so too should we. The energy of autumn encourages us to slow down, turn our focus inward, and embrace stillness.

Use this season to be analytical of your year so far, reassess your direction, your goals, and how your routines are making you feel — what’s working? What do you need to change?

Do your beliefs still hold true? Are the goals you set for your year still exciting you? And, most importantly, are your roots and foundations strong? — Our roots are the basis of who we are and what we want to be; our purpose, our beliefs and values, and also our habits - the things we repeat every day — for what we repeat we become.

If your habits aren’t setting you up to be grounded, centered, resilient, and content then they aren’t doing their job.

If you want to make positive changes to your routine and habits in easy, manageable, and meaningful ways check out my FREE course — Rooted & Intentionally You where you can apply simple techniques to improve your daily habits & increase your overall vitality, health & wellbeing.

Our roots are what allow us to bend and sway in the winds of life’s struggles without breaking.

When we nurture our roots (our health and wellbeing) we are stronger and better in our lives. When we draw our energy and focus back to our roots through Autumn and align with the inward flow of energy that Autumn and Winter bring, then we emerge stronger and brighter, full of ideas and creativity come Spring.

Autumn is also about taking time to process, let go of, and release what isn’t working - this can be habits, routines, diet and nutrition, ways of working, friendships and people, jobs, locations, careers…. the list is endless and the things you need to release (or want to change) can be big or minutely small.

By aligning ourselves with the natural rhythms of the season, we can experience both spiritual and physical benefits for our mind and body:

Mind Benefits

  1. Increased mental clarity: The crisp autumn air invigorates the mind, making it easier to concentrate and focus on tasks at hand.

  2. Emotional balance: The grounding energy of autumn helps stabilise emotions, reducing feelings of anxiety and promoting emotional resilience.

  3. Stress relief: The slower pace of autumn allows for introspection and self-reflection, providing an opportunity to release stress and cultivate a sense of calm.

Body Benefits:

  1. Boosted immune system: Autumn offers an abundance of seasonal foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants, such as pumpkins, apples, and squashes, which support our immune system and help protect us during the upcoming winter months.

  2. Physical grounding: Engaging in activities like walking in nature, practicing grounding exercises, or even gardening during autumn helps anchor our bodies to the earth, promoting feelings of stability and well-being.

  3. Improved sleep: The longer nights and cooler temperatures of autumn naturally lend themselves to restful sleep, aiding in the body's natural healing and rejuvenation processes.

Using the Medicinal and Herbal Plants of Autumn

Autumn is a bountiful time for medicinal and herbal plants, with roots in particular holding significance during this season. Roots are known for their grounding and nourishing properties, making them excellent allies for supporting our wellbeing during the Autumn. But they are also full of other properties acting as…

Alternatives (herbs that gradually restore proper function & balance to the body. Increase vitality & health) — Dandelion root, Burdock root

Astringents (herbs that contract tissues to reduce secretions, discharges, and excess moisture)— rhubarb root

Diuretic (herbs that increase secretion and elimination of urine)— Dandelion root, Burdock root

Emollient (herbs which, when applied topically, soothe, soften & protect the skin) — Licorice root

Hepatic (herbs which aid the liver by toning, strengthening & increasing flow of bile)— Dandelion root, Yellow dock root

Laxative (herbs that promote evacuation of bowels) — Dandelion root, Burdock root, Licorice root, Yellow dock root

Tonics (herbs that strengthen & enliven specifying organs and/or the entire body) — Dandelion root, Burdock root, Licorice root, Yellow dock root

Here are a few of my favourite notable roots found during autumn along with their properties, uses and health benefits to you, specifically through the Autumn season:


(Withania somnifera)

Ashwaganda is one of many Adaptogens (adaptagens are a group of herbal plant medicines which help the body adapt and thrive), but this root in particular promotes resilience to stress, supports healthy adrenal function, and helps balance energy levels especially during the transition into colder months.


(Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Licorice root is known for its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. It aids in supporting the respiratory system, providing relief from autumn allergies, and soothing coughs and sore throats. It also works to assist the digestive system and liver function during a season when they can start to become sluggish — just be aware that in high quantities Licorish root is also a laxative.


(Taraxacum officinale)

The root of the dandelion plant is a powerful liver tonic, assisting in detoxification and promoting healthy digestion. It also acts as a gentle diuretic, helping to eliminate excess water from the body.

Taken as a tonic or alternative (see definitions above) Dandelion root is also a wonderful herb for returning you to vitality, and helping your body maintain balance during the changes in season.

Dandelion root can make a wonderful, healthy alternative to coffee when ground!


(Arctium lappa)

Burdock root is a purifier and blood cleanser. It supports healthy skin, kidneys, and lymphatic system, making it an ideal ally for promoting overall detoxification during autumn.

It also has many similar properties to dandelion root; Taken as a tonic or alternative (see definitions above) Dandelion root is also a wonderful herb for returning you to vitality, and helping your body maintain balance during the changes in season.

Despite its beauty, and the benefits of tapping into the energetic medicine of this Season, it can feel hard to adapt and embrace the changes Autumn brings this time of year.

By aligning ourselves with the natural rhythms of the season and utilising the medicinal and herbal plants mother nature provides for us at the right time — specifically the roots found during this time — we can support our mind and body in their journey towards wellbeing & balance.

Take a moment this Autumn to enjoy the crisp air and vibrant colors, and let autumn's energy awaken your senses & nourish your soul.

xo Emily


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