Natural Remedies for Hayfever + Allergies

Allergies and allergic reactions can make life really uncomfortable! If you’re dealing with any autoimmune illness one of the side effects can be an elevated immune system, meaning that your body’s response to irritants (like pollen) can trigger off the charts reactions from hives + rashes to swollen itchy eyes, excessive congestion and running nose, and even flu like symptoms.

Depending on what you are allergic to allergies can start as early as February with tree catkin pollen, but it’s usually the summer months that tends to be the time when allergy symptoms are worst.

(If you are unlucky enough to suffer from tree, grass, AND flower pollen, or find a whole host of irritants cause you an allergic reaction, you may spend the better part of 5 months to a year with allergy symptoms).

In this post I will cover the Natural remedies, not just for Hayfever, but that address the root causes of the body’s immune response, as well as covering some of the best natural remedies for relieving allergies and their symptoms.

Although it sounds pretty ironic considering plants are causing the symptoms, plants can be used as a cure too!

What are allergic reactions?

Allergies are caused by your immune system over-reacting to foreign substances you come into contact with - usually by inhaling via your nose or mouth, ingesting them, or getting them in your eyes. Or a sensitivity to dust, pet dander, and fungal spores.

These reactions cause itchy nose, throat, eyes, watering eyes, sneezing, a runny nose, congestion, hives, rashes and even swelling.

In really severe cases they can even lead to anaphylactic shock and a trip to hospital.

How to beat allergies

When your body is fighting to keep you healthy you have to help it as much as possible. Even if allergies aren't an actual illness they can make you feel down, lack energy, and feel generally unwell and miserable.

The first step to start beating your allergies is by checking in with your routine and taking care of yourself. Make sure you are getting plenty of restful sleep, drinking lots of water and take your vitamins. As well as eating lots of healthy foods like fruit and vegetables and cutting back on the alcohol, processed foods, and junk food. You need to help boost your immune system in any way you can!

There are also plant based and natural remedies you can take to prevent allergies and alleviate your symptoms :

Natural remedies for allergies & hayfever

The simple remedies are sometimes the best. Not to mention that your body works best with natural ingredients rather than synthetic chemicals. So what are the natural ingredients for allergy and hayfever relief? Lets get stuck in :

Bee products

Take bee pollen and a spoonful of local honey once a day. Locally sourced honey naturally contains the pollen that you are being exposed to. Taking honey allows your body to build up a natural immunity to the pollen around you that you regularly come into contact with (rather like having a flu jab).

Bee pollen is anti-inflammatory as well as anti-fungal, anti-vital and basically magical. You can sprinkle on breakfasts or add a spoonful to your smoothie each day to help your immune system, and relieve that heavy stuffy congested feeling in your head and sinuses.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is definitely an acquired taste, but one with many benefits. You may have already heard of it as an aid for digestion and weight loss, but it is also good for allergy relief. Taken daily it helps to reduce the bodies mucus production and cleanse your lymphatic system. The lymphatic system deals with fighting bacteria and infections and is therefore vital to your immune system health.

Mix a spoonful of cider vinegar with a glass of water and take once a day once your allergies start to develop. Or if you really struggle with the taste, you can take in capsule form instead.


Eyebright has been used for centuries to treat eye problems. It is naturally rich in tannins which work to tighten mucus membranes to prevent further irritation , as well as reducing the amount of mucus you produce. It also works with your liver to reduce excess toxins.

You can use a tincture of eyebright to relieve itchy watery eyes (as well as eye infections!). To treat eyes you need to put a few drops into your eye(s), or use as an eyewash three times a day. For itchy throats, catarrh, mucus and runny noses you need to swallow a tincture of eyebright mixed with a little water twice a day.


Quercetin is a natural bioflavonoid. It can be found in lots of food (albeit in small quantities), and is a powerful antioxidant. Quercetin is an anti-inflammatory and has antihistamine effects on the whole body, helping to reduce allergy symptoms.

Although found naturally in foods such as broccoli and citrus, it would be difficult to consume the amounts needed this way. You can, however, take quercetin in supplement form as a replacement to an antihistamine tablet.

Start taking tablets about a month or so before your allergy season would usually begin (if possible) for the best results.


Elderflower is not only high in vitamin C, but the flowers can be used as a tonic for reducing mucus in the membranes of the nose and sinuses.

Make a tincture of the flowers to use cold for bathing irritated and itchy eyes, or you can mix with a glass of water and drink daily to help relieve blocked noses and reduce mucus. You can also make an elderflower infusion by leaving them in boiling water for 10-15 minutes and then once cooled, use to bathe your eyes.

Healing a Heightened Immune System

As well as treating symptoms we need to address the root of the problem: your immune system.


Echinacea is one of the best immune supporting + building herbs. It increases the white blood cell count, specifically that of the 'helper' T-cells. Which help to fight infection, but also works to balance the immune system and bring it back to a healthy reaction level instead of being overstimulated.


Astragulus root is an adaptogenic herb. Full of antioxidants it not only protects and supports the immune system, preventing colds and upper respiratory infections, but will also lower blood pressure, treat diabetes, and protect the liver. Astragalus has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that benefit the whole body, and in this instance can help to alleviate any inflammation that may occur as a result of contact with allergens.


Ginseng is another adaptogen root that is well known and frequently used as an immune modulator. It works to maintain immune homeostasis or balance and enhances the body’s natural resistance to illness or microbial attacks through its effects on the immune system. As well as relieving pain, reducing inflammation + improving behaviour, memory and mood. Ginseng is a great supplement to take to support your everyday wellbeing + function!

I hope these tips are helpful and will help you get out and enjoying summer a bit more this year. Make the most of all the sunshine we seem to be getting!

xo Emily


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