Herbal Nettle Hair Rinse for Healthy Hair

Nettle is still one of my favourite (and underrated) wild herbs. Not only is it full of nutrients and essential vitamins and minerals our bodies need to be healthy (in fact, it probably contains more vitamins and minerals than the foods we buy from the supermarket!) but it is also hugely beneficial to the health of our skin and hair too.

Nettle Benefits for Hair

Nettle benefits for hair include promoting hair growth and even treating hair loss.

In fact, nettle is one of the oldest recorded remedies used for treating and preventing hair loss. This is primarily due to the high amount of sulphur and silica in nettle, which improves hair health by strengthening the hair shaft. Regularly using nettle can promote hair re-growth and reduce hair loss.

Stinging Nettle has natural astringent properties; astringents are great for treating skin issues such as greasy skin, dry, itchy and inflamed skin even when it’s due to insect bites, chicken pox, and even eczema.

This nettle hair rinse is perfect for daily or weekly use, and works to make and keep hair strong, healthy and shiny.

When combined with Rosemary, as in this recipe, the two help to promote hair growth as a hair rinse, and to improve the memory and circulation as a drink.

Yes, you read that right! This recipe can be drunk too!!!

It has a fresh smell and some antiseptic properties, so is also useful as a natural cleaning product.

Hair & Herbal Vinegars

Herbal vinegars when used as a hair rinse will encourage shine and help restore your hair's protective acid pH. Different vinegars can be used for different effect. Try nettle and rosemary for promoting thickness and increased hair growth, or rosemary and a few drops of tea tree oil to treat dandruff, or sage to darken greying hair.

Vinegars are a useful medium for extracting and preserving herbs; they are used in foods, taken as supplements or medicines and used in many home cleaning products and hair and skin tonics.

Vinegar, especially raw (unpasteurized) organic apple cider vinegar, is good for you inside and out. Taken internally, it can encourage a healthy pH balance, reduce inflammation, boost immunity and regularize metabolism.

Taken with food, it enables you to absorb minerals better. Externally, it can bring bruises to the surface, cool and reduce swellings, and benefit the hair and skin.

Nettle + Rosemary Hair Rinse

To make the hair rinse, drink or cleaning concoction you need only a few ingredients and a few minutes.


  • 30g/1 cup rosemary flowering tops

  • 500ml/2 cups Apple Cider Vinegar

  • 30g/1 cup nettle leaves


Makes 450ml/almost 2 cups.

Keeps at least 2 years.


Combine the dried herbs in a glass jar with a screw top or airtight lid.

Pour Apple cider vinegar over the dried herb until all plant material is covered.

Use a glass rod or clean metal spoon to compress plant material and ensure all air bubbles are removed.

Cover the top of the jar with brown or greaseproof paper and seal.

Leave for 2-4 weeks in a cool, dark place.

After the time period strain through a cloth to remove plant matter and use infused vinegar as needed.

For use on hair, dilute 1 part to 2 parts water. Apply on wet hair after washing/conditioning as a final rinse. You can also put it in a spray bottle and spray on to wet hair.

xo Emily


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