A Cleansing Ritual for Spring

The movement of the seasons is a never-ending cycle. Although in reality there is no place that we can firmly point to as the beginning of the seasonal cycle, spring is often seen as the first season in the sequence. This comes from the fact that earlier calendars began the year in the spring.

Spring is traditionally associated with new beginnings, sowing, childhood, and young things in general. Spring is a time of potential, a time for planning and planting, and a time for making wishes about what you want the future to hold.

It is a time of hope and has a softly encouraging and positive energy.

As we step into spring and celebrate Ostara it’s a perfect time to cleanse and clear not just our physical space, but also our energetic space, our auras and our body.

Setting Your Intention

A cleansing ritual is as much intention as it is a practice, so take time before you start to decide exactly what it is you are wanting to achieve. These thoughts and intentions are what you will focus on as you complete the cleansing ritual.

This can be:

Cleansing and clearing all negative energy from your home.

Cleansing your aura, drawing all your energy back to you, and releasing all negative energy and any energetic ties with other people.

Releasing stagnant or stuck emotions in your body.

Letting go of situations.

Bringing in luck and abundance (in any form)

What you’ll need

A fire proof dish, or flat surface

X1 smudge stick of your choice

Matches or a lighter

Spring Cleansing Ritual

  1. Take your smudge stick and hold it between your palms. Focus on your breathing and your intention for this ritual.

  2. Light your smudge stick (safely), let burn for a few seconds and then begins to waft your smudge stick in a waving/sweeping motion either around your body (from head to toe) or within each room of your house (making sure to include all corners!)

  3. As you move speak the following words out loud — remember vibration is what brings intention to life!

Goddess, Maiden, Mother earth bless this hearth and home

Bless this house with love and light.

Goddess, Maiden, Mother earth Bless my body heart and soul.

Let the energy and new life of spring fill this space and flow all around me.

With this smoke I cleanse and release all negative energy, thoughts and vibrations from myself and my life.

I let go of the old year past, all things past to make way for the new.

And so it is.

Once you’ve finished you can leave your smudge stick to smock itself out — as long as it’s in a fireproof container— and it will continue to cleanse for you

xo Emily


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