Emily & the Plants

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Harnessing Mid-Year Energy: A Holistic Mid-Year Review Process

As we reach the mid-point of the year, June becomes a pivotal month for harnessing the energy of summertime, a perfect time to take a step back, reflect, and realign. Reassessing goals, and setting your course for productivity and balance in all aspects of life.

This period offers a unique opportunity to evaluate your progress, celebrate achievements, and recalibrate your goals for the remaining months. A holistic mid-year review goes beyond professional assessments, embracing every aspect of your life—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Developing an effective planning strategy and review process can ensure you pave the way for a harmonious blend of work, rest, and play, through the month and the rest of the year, enabling you to maximise productivity while safeguarding your vitality and balance.

Here are some key areas for you to think about and actions to take this month so you see what a holistic mid-year review entails as we delve into the importance and benefits of a mid-year review, what it entails, and create a step-by-step guide to help you conduct your own comprehensive evaluation. Along with my mid-year review process that you can download at the end of this article….

Why is a Mid-Year Review is Important?

The month of June offers an opportunity to embrace the powerful energy of mid year and the solstice, this is when the suns energy is at it’s peak, use it to fuel your planning, productivity, and holistic wellbeing. By harnessing the energy of mid-year, setting clear goals, embracing balance and self-care, and staying focused and grounded, you can cultivate a sense of harmony and vitality in your life.

Life is dynamic, and so are our goals and circumstances. The aspirations you set at the beginning of the year may no longer align with your current situation or priorities. A mid-year review allows you to reassess and realign your goals to ensure they are still relevant and attainable.

We often focus on what we haven't accomplished rather than celebrating our successes. Recognising your achievements, no matter how small, boosts motivation and self-confidence. A mid-year review provides a structured opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate your progress.

By evaluating the first half of the year you can identify obstacles that have hindered your progress. Understanding these challenges enables you to develop strategies to overcome them in the second half of the year.

A holistic review encourages introspection and self-awareness. By examining all areas of your life, you gain a deeper understanding of your habits, behaviors, and emotions. This awareness is crucial for personal growth and development.

Balancing various aspects of life—work, health, relationships, personal growth—can be challenging. A holistic approach ensures that you address all areas of your well-being, promoting a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Step-by-Step Guide to Conducting a Holistic Mid-Year Review

Step 1: Preparation

Set the Scene — Choose a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. Gather any tools you might need, such as a journal, pen, planner, or digital device. Consider lighting a candle, playing soothing music, or diffusing essential oils to create a calming atmosphere.

Schedule the Time — Allocate a specific time for your review. Depending on your depth of reflection, this could range from a couple of hours to a whole day. Make sure you’re free from distractions and commitments during this period.

Journal your experiences — If you are someone who chokes up when answering questions on the spot then it might help you to first take time to journal about your experiences over the past six months. Reflect on significant events, challenges, and learnings. Consider using prompts such as: What am I most proud of achieving? What have been my biggest challenges? What have I learned about myself? How have I grown personally and professionally? And look at each goal you set at the beginning of the year, analysing how it make you feel, is it still something you want? etc.

Step 2: Reflect on the Past Six Months

Reflect & Assess — Use my holistic mid year review to ask yourself some in-depth questions and get a real insight into your year so far and what you want moving forward…. You can find the google doc of my Holistic Mid-year review here to download or create a copy and fill in digitally if you prefer.

Realign & Recalibrate — The holistic mid-year review also includes space for you to begin the process of reassessing and realigning your goals, habits, rituals and health practices based on your reflections. As well as set new intentions for each area of your life.

Create an Action Plan — Develop a concrete action plan breaking down everything into steps and creating a timeline to achieve your goals by the end of the year. Break down each goal into smaller, manageable steps. Set deadlines and milestones to keep yourself accountable.

Step 5: Implement and Monitor

Incorporate new habits and routines that align with your goals. Use tools like planners, apps, or journals to track your progress. Or you may want to try my rooted & intentional course to help you start easily implementing the foundational haboits that will support your ling-term health

Don’t forget to schedule regular check-ins, such as monthly or weekly reviews to monitor your progress and adjust your action plan, goals and tasks as needed to stay on track — You can use my Monthly & Weekly reset & review process for this

What a Holistic Mid-Year Review Includes

This reflective process not only helps you celebrate your achievements and identify challenges but also empowers you to set meaningful goals for the future….


In the grand symphony of seasons, June marks a period of abundant growth and vitality in the natural world. Just as the flora and fauna around us bloom and flourish, we too can take this opportunity to reflect on our own growth and progress towards our goals. June is an ideal moment to revisit the goals and resolutions you set at the beginning of the year.

Take the time to reflect on the progress you’ve made so far, celebrate your achievements, and identify areas that may require adjustment or renewed focus. As well as any goals that may no longer make you happy or fit with the direction you want your life and/or business to go in. Consider what has been working well for you so far — this includes ways of working, time blocking, routines, where you work, etc. — what needs improvement, and what changes may be necessary to realign with your overarching objectives. Celebrate successes, acknowledge challenges, and glean insights and lessons that can inform your future actions.

Consider what adjustments may be needed in your approach, goals, or priorities as you look ahead to the second half of the year. This process of reflection and reassessment is what will lay the foundational groundwork for informed decision-making and strategic planning as you move forward for the rest of this year.

Embrace a mindset of continuous improvement and growth, leveraging each experience as a stepping stone towards greater productivity, fulfillment, and wellbeing.


Drawing inspiration from the wisdom of nature, we can set clear and intentional objectives for the month of June. Consider the cyclical nature of growth and expansion that characterises this time of year, and infuse your goals with the same sense of vitality and dynamism.

As you embark on planning for June, crystallise your objectives into clear, actionable goals. Break down your larger aspirations and goals into smaller, achievable tasks that can be tackled incrementally throughout the month(s ahead). Take time to establish priorities moving forward to help you allocate your time and energy effectively, ensuring that essential tasks are given due attention and that progress is made towards your overarching goals.

Clarity and specificity in goal-setting serve as guiding beacons, steering you towards productivity and accomplishment. By grounding your objectives in the rhythms of the season, you cultivate a deeper connection to the natural world and infuse your goals with a sense of organic flow and alignment.


Take time to craft a detailed plan for the month of June that encompasses various facets of your life, including work, personal development, relationships, and self-care. The energy of summer offers a wealth of opportunities for rejuvenation, creativity, and exploration. In crafting your plan for June, consider how you can weave elements of play, rest, and productivity into a harmonious tapestry of wellbeing.

Think about what’s been working for you so far, and how to structure your days and weeks with a balance of activities that cater to different needs and priorities. Make sure to incorporate time for focused work, relaxation, physical activity, creative pursuits, social connections, and moments of solitude — all the things that ensure a balanced and intentional approach to your life, not just your life.

Schedule time for outdoor activities, nature walks, and moments of stillness to bask in the abundance of the season. Integrate work tasks with breaks for rejuvenation and self-care, mirroring the balance and diversity of the natural world.

A well-rounded plan promotes holistic wellbeing by nurturing different aspects of your life and fostering a sense of fulfilment and equilibrium.


As the sun reaches its zenith and the days lengthen, tap into the heightened energy of summer to enhance your focus and grounding. Use the extended daylight hours to structure your day in alignment with natural light patterns, optimising your productivity and efficiency.

Engage in grounding practices such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, or time spent in nature to anchor yourself in the present moment and cultivate inner stability, bask in nature's beauty, and soak up the sun's nourishing rays. Cultivate a sense of playfulness, spontaneity, and adventure in your daily routine, allowing yourself to experience joy, wonder, and rejuvenation.

This is a time to remember that work is not the most important thing.

True fulfilment comes from all facets of your life working together. By attuning yourself to the vibrant energy of summer, you enhance your clarity, presence, and resilience, your mood, creativity, and motivation, propelling you towards greater productivity in pursuing your goals and aspirations in a balanced way, and a life of vitality and energy.


Amidst the drive for productivity and goal achievement and navigating the ebb and flow of seasonal transitions remember it is vital to prioritise balance, rest and self-care. With the intensity of summer in full bloom, ensure you make space for rest, rejuvenation, and nourishment amidst your productivity pursuits. Schedule regular breaks throughout your day to recharge and replenish your energy.

Make space for regular self-care, whether through gentle movement, nourishing meals, or restorative practices that replenish your energy. Practice mindfulness, meditation, or gentle movement to center yourself and cultivate inner peace. Nourish your body with nutritious foods, stay hydrated, and ensure an adequate amount of sleep to support your overall health and wellbeing.

Create a conducive work environment that fosters clarity, inspiration, and flow. Ground yourself through practices like deep breathing, grounding exercises, or time spent in nature to anchor your presence in the present moment and cultivate inner stability and resilience.

By nurturing yourself with care and compassion, you enhance your resilience, focus, and capacity to meet life's demands with grace and vitality. Embrace the seasonal shifts as opportunities to recalibrate and realign with your inner rhythms, fostering a sense of equilibrium and harmony in all aspects of your life.

May this month be a time of reflection, growth, and empowerment, guiding you towards greater alignment with your aspirations and enhanced wellbeing in all dimensions of your being. By aligning our lives with the rhythms of the seasons, we tap into a wellspring of inspiration, vitality, and harmony that fuels our growth and evolution. May this season be a time of deep connection with the natural world, inner alignment with our goals, and holistic flourishing in mind, body, and spirit.

Remember that progress is not always linear. Be kind to yourself and celebrate your efforts, even if you don’t achieve every goal. Self-compassion fosters resilience and a positive mindset.

Life can be unpredictable. Embrace flexibility and adaptability. It’s okay to revise your goals and plans as needed to align with changing circumstances and priorities.

A holistic mid-year review is a powerful practice for personal growth and wellbeing, but only as part of an ongoing process of self development and growth. By taking a comprehensive approach to your life as whole — not just material goals — you will ensure that all aspects of your life are aligned and balanced and you are taking care of your health mind,body & soul as well as your goals and aspirations.

Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination. Take the time to enjoy the process, practice self-compassion, and celebrate your progress along the way. Here’s to a fulfilling and balanced second half of the year!

xo Emily