Emily & the Plants

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My Summer Health and Wellbeing Rituals

Summer is a beautiful time of year, we get to spend more time outside, the days are longer, the temperatures warmer, there’s an abundance of greenery and flowers.

It’s safe to say summer is my favourite season. Warm days and extra daylight suit me, and I love nothing more than laying in the garden in 23+ degree heat and baking for the day. As I live in the UK, and those kind of temperatures aren’t always a certainty, I tend to work my schedule around making the most of the sunshine when the weather is good.

But it’s also the season we need to take most care of our bodies when it comes to hydration and sun protection.

In fact there are many different ways our health and wellbeing needs shift and change during this (and every season).

One of the many benefits of living seasonally, and aligned with each of the seasons, is the ability to adapt and change your routines and habits to not only make the most of each season, but to also better to support your mind, body and spirit.

Why Seasonal Routines are Important

Having the ability to adapt out daily routines in tune with what our bodies need, and are telling us, is one of the wonderful ways that living a more seasonal lifestyle can support our health and wellbeing.

This kind of flexibility and adaptability is essential to not only supporting your wellbeing & health effectively, but allowing you to not only enhance physical health but also adapt to change more seamlessly.

As the days lengthen and the weather warms up, our bodies naturally crave different foods, activities, and approaches to self-care. By tuning in to these natural rhythms and adjusting our habits accordingly, we can optimise our health and wellbeing during the summer months.

This kind of flexibility and approach to health allows us to sync with nature and tap into its rejuvenating energy.

Summer is my favourite season of all, a time where I choose to spend as much time outdoors and barefoot as I possibly can. As well as basic things like increasing my hydration and water intake there are lots of other things I switch up and change for the summer season.

My Summer Health & wellbeing Habits

To enhance summer health and wellbeing naturally, I prefer to embrace natural, holistic rituals that nourish both my body and mind. Below you will find all the ways my daily routine & selfcare habits change for summer:

Moisturising skincare

When it comes to skincare natural skincare can be just as effective as store-bought, if not more so, helping you achieve a radiant and protected complexion. Incorporate ingredients such as rose water, cucumber extract, and shea butter into your skincare routine. These natural products offer hydration, soothing effects, and defence against sun damage, promoting a healthy glow while keeping your skin revitalised and moisturised throughout the summer.

Meditating outdoors

Meditating outdoors can further elevate your summer wellness journey by connecting with nature and fostering mindfulness. Find a peaceful spot in a scenic environment, like a park or garden, and practice mindfulness meditation to enhance relaxation and reduce stress. The fresh air and natural surroundings can help clear your mind, boost mood, and increase focus, allowing you to fully embrace the present moment and reap the mental benefits of outdoor meditation.

Summer hair care

Summer can be drying on hair too and you may find you need to protect your hair from the sun and replace lost moisture. Opt for natural products like coconut oil, aloe vera, and argan oil for deep conditioning and UV protection. These ingredients not only boost hair health but also combat dryness and frizz, leaving your locks vibrant and lustrous under the sun.

Taking exercise outdoors

Summer is a great time to prioritise outdoor activities such as hiking, swimming, or simply basking in the sun. I take most of my runs outdoors, do a lot more walking and even take my yoga practice outside during the summer. Being in nature has been shown to reduce stress, boost mood, and enhance overall wellbeing. Not to mention sleeping (and feeling better) from all that fresh air, improved cardiovascular health & lots of negative ions and sunlight.

Incorporating outdoor pursuits into our routine, we can reap the benefits of physical activity while enjoying the beauty of the season.

Lighter meals [but still high protein]

Eating fresh, seasonal fruits and vegetables is a wonderful part of being seasonal that will nourish your body with the nutrients it needs during the summer (and every season). In summer I’m craving more fruits, berries, and salads - especially peaches, necterines and strawberries! As well as opting for cooling & hydrating foods like watermelon, cucumber, and lettuce, which can help keep you hydrated and provide essential nutrients.

And of course it goes without saying that drinking more water and staying hydrated is crucial during hot weather, so be sure to drink plenty throughout the day — adding a pinch of Himalayan salt and a small amount of honey to your water will also help you to replenish electrolytes lost from sweating.

Some other ideas include incorporating mindfulness practices such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can help you stay grounded and present during the summer hustle and bustle. Taking time for self-care rituals like indulging in a refreshing face mask, reading a book outdoors, or enjoying a leisurely stroll can help you recharge and rejuvenate.

By embracing flexibility in our habits and adapting to the changing seasons, we can enhance our well-being and health while cultivating a greater sense of resilience and adaptability. Summer is a time to savor the simple joys, prioritize self-care, and bask in the beauty of the world around us. So, take advantage of the season's offerings, tune into your body's needs, and make the most of this expansive and abundant time of year.

Stay Cool: Beat the heat by staying cool with fans, air conditioning, or by taking a refreshing dip in the pool or ocean.

Connect with Nature: Spend time in nature by visiting a park, going camping, or simply sitting outside and enjoying the sights and sounds of the season.

Unplug: Take a break from screens and technology to give your mind a rest and truly unwind during the summer.

Remember, self-care is a personal journey, so feel free to customise these ideas to suit your own needs and preferences. Find what brings you joy, relaxation, and restoration during the summer months, and make time for those activities regularly. Enjoy the season and prioritize your well-being!

1.| More time outdoors

2.| Oiling

Ie. Almond oil on wet skin after bath/shower

3.| Electrolytes for hydration

4.| eating lighter

5.| Connecting with the water and air elements

6.| Allergy care and bug prevention

7.| outdoor meditation
