Emily & the Plants

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Creating Better Routines for Your Wellbeing; Spring Edition

As we move from Winter to Spring it is time to reawaken our minds and bodies from Winter slumber.

Energetically this is a shift from the cold hard earth of Winter to the light and airy Spring. The earth is warming and re-awakening as the sun returns, and we too must slowly revive our bodies and adjust to the changes in momentum.

The Energy of Spring

Spring is the energy of Air, the archetype of the Maiden; young, new, the birth of new life.

All of that, the light energy after the heavy and darkness of winter, can feel very heady and exciting. Spring is a season, for reigniting passions, projects, and hobbies set of lain dormant over the winter, all the last year. It’s also a wonderful season, two be more social, expand your social circle, build relationships, both work and personal And start playing foundations for the rest of your year.

While Spring can feel light, airy, breezy, and a much happier season, it’s also so easy to get carried away and lost in your own creative imaginings and brilliant ideas and not actually put anything into practice or start taking action.

To keep from being too much in your mind during the spring season, we need to provide more grounding energy and daily practices.

This can come in the form of nutrition, exercise, daily routines and habits

Seasonal Habits and Routines

Living more seasonally and more closely with nature means also being aware of our bodies connection to the world around us, how that affects us, and also how it impacts our health and well-being. What’s the body needs through one season will differ entirely to the next.

To get the most out of living seasonally and feel the most benefits we also need be be flexible and constantly in communication with our bodies.

This means switching up your daily routines and habits as the seasons change and develop, and being ok with experimenting until you get the right mix for your body and health.

It is important to remember health and well-being wise that every person has different needs, and that every body reacts differently to different situations. What is right of one, may not necessarily be right or work for you. Always take things lightheartedly to begin with and keep track of your progress and any changes you may experience.

If you feel worse, stop.

Health and Wellbeing Routines for Spring

Here are some habits, rituals and routines for you to implement during the spring, things that will help to reawaken your body and mind after a long, cold winter, and support you through the shifts and changes as winter moves to Spring…

Spend more time outdoors

Fresh air and sunshine are nature’s greatest and simplest medicine. Fresh air helps us breathe properly, brings more oxygen to your blood and brain, and improves muscle strength. lung capacity, and does wonders for our mental health.

There is nothing like fresh air and time in nature to help bring you clarity, grounding, centering energy, peace, calm. and reduces stress and anxiety.

Swim outdoors or in cold water

Cold water has many, many benefits to health — mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. There’s something about doing hard things that makes you tougher and more resilient as a person when it comes to other challenges in your daily life.

Cold water therapy is excellent for reducing inflammation, improving circulation, improving recovery time, and bringing about a sense of complete calm and wellbeing.

Although this is a wonderful (and brave) thing to practice all year round, once the weather is a little milder this is a wonderfully refreshing way to not only challenge yourself but reawaken everything after the winter. Deal with any aches and pains brought on by the winter cold and damp, and help keep the body healthy and strong as you start being more active.

Eat lighter foods

As we move into warmer sunnier weather the body needs less fuel to keep it warm and fueled than it did through winter. You may find that you are naturally and intuitively drawn to eating lighter foods like lettuces, cucumber, peppers, tomatoes, berries, apples, and less carbohydrates.

Spring is a great time to start slowly introducing more of these types of foods into your diet, although that doesn’t mean switching out completely just yet (thats what Summer is for!)… make sure to still keep in some of those carbohydrates and carbohydrate rich root vegetables, whilst opping for a higher ratio of protein from fish than red or white meats.

Focus on Digestion and Liver health

Digestion and the liver are especially important at this time of year. Our digestion and liver function naturally slow down and become more sluggish during the winter months. This can leave us feeling a little underwhelmed and lacking in energy and enthusiasm as we step into Spring.

To prevent this, boost energy naturally, and give your system a little cleanse and a kick start we can focus on increasing and supporting better liver function, whilst stoking those digestive fires.

Early spring wild plants such as Cleavers, Chickweed, and Dandelion leaf are excellent for both of these functions. Try drying them to make into a herbal tea, adding them to smoothies or fresh salads with Spinach and kale. Or add as a powder mixed with pepper to season savory dishes.

Cleans Your Space

Spring is the perfect season for, well, Spring cleaning! Whether that be mentally, physically, emotionally, or just having a good clean and clear out of your house. When we clear out the old, the deadweight, the clutter that we don’t use or need we make way for new experiences and fresh energy to come into our lives and environment. It’s so much easier to start fresh tasks, activities, and projects when you have a clear mind, clean energy, and no clutter getting in your way — we say tidy house, tidy mind for a reason.

While this can feel like a mammoth and overwhelming task I don’t mean facing your entire house or overhauling your life all at once… take your time, Tackle one small thing at a time, and schedule an hour or so into your week or each weekend. You will feel so much better for it!

xo Emily