Emily & the Plants

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Celebrating the Autumn Equinox & Mabon

Welcome to Autumn! The Autumn equinox, which falls on 22nd September this year, marks the first day of Autumn & the celebration of Mabon in the Pagan wheel of the year.

Autumn is a season of transition, marked by cooling temperatures, changing foliage, and the harvesting of summer’s crops. As summer fades and seems like a distant memory, and the crisp air of autumn takes its place, we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in the year.

This, the Autumn equinox is a sacred time (also known as Mabon in many earth-based traditions) marking the balance between day and night, light and dark. An event that has been celebrated for centuries by cultures around the world.

It’s a time for reflection, grounding, and aligning ourselves with the cycles of nature. To focus on the balance within our own lives, release the summers energy and vibrancy, and begin to embrace the quieter energy of Autumn…

Autumn invites us to slow down, reassess our goals, and prepare for the stillness of winter, making it a perfect season for both physical and spiritual cleansing.

This time of year, connected as it is to the start of Libra season, the sign represented by the balanced scales, a change in season and a huge shift in the energy around us brings us themes of grounding, balance and cleansing to focus on and embrace.

Grounding & Rooting Ourselves in the Present

As the winds grow colder and leaves begin to fall, we are reminded of the importance of grounding. Autumn is a time to connect deeply with the Earth beneath us, much like the trees whose roots dig deeper as they shed their leaves and prepare for their winter slumber. Grounding helps us cultivate stability in times of transition, offering a sense of security as we shift from the outward energy of summer to the more introspective season of Autumn.

The element of Earth is a container, a holding of space, and one of the three other elements we must embody to balance the Water energy of Autumn.

Aligning with Nature’s Rhythms

The Autumn Equinox is one of only two times a year when day and night are in perfect balance. This mirrors the opportunity for us to reflect on our inner balance — between work and rest, giving and receiving, and light and shadow within ourselves.

It’s a time to consider how we can bring more equilibrium into our lives, creating harmony as we prepare for the slower pace of winter.

Cleansing & Releasing What No Longer Serves

Just as the trees release their leaves, autumn encourages us to let go of what is no longer useful, whether it's physical clutter, emotional baggage, or mental patterns that have become stagnant.

This seasonal theme of cleansing allows us to make space for new growth, stir up the energy bringing space & movement (the element of Air) to our mind, body & environment, ensuring that we enter the colder months with clarity and lightness.

You can also use your nutrition as a way of cleansing focusing on seasonal foods that support detoxification and immune strength. Incorporating warm, grounding foods like root vegetables (carrots, beets, sweet potatoes) helps to nourish the body and prepare it for the cooler months. Leafy greens like kale and spinach provide antioxidants and fiber, which aid digestion and detoxification.

Warming and spices Herbal teas that stimulate your digestion such as ginger, turmeric, and dandelion support liver function and reduce inflammation ( and provide the Fire element energy you need to complete that energetic balancing). Incorporating healthy fats, like those found in nuts, seeds, and avocados, helps to keep skin hydrated and boosts energy levels.

Reducing sugar, processed foods, and refined carbs can further enhance the body’s natural cleansing process, leaving you energised and balanced for autumn.

Creating Balance & Wellbeing

The Autumn Equinox is one of only two times a year when day and night are in perfect balance. This mirrors the opportunity for us to reflect on our own inner balance - between work and rest, giving and receiving, and light and shadow within ourselves. It's not just about noticing where balance naturally exists but also actively creating it. Autumn invites us to find areas of our lives that feel out of alignment and take conscious steps to restore harmony. This could mean balancing personal time with work obligations, restoring balance between mental activity and physical wellness, or harmonising our spiritual practices with our everyday routines.

Ways to Celebrate the Autumn Equinox and Mabon

Here are some simple, holistic practices to help you align with the energy of the Autumn Equinox:

  1. Grounding Meditation Spend time outdoors in nature, ideally barefoot, to absorb the Earth's energy. A grounding meditation can help you connect with your surroundings. Imagine roots growing from the soles of your feet, reaching deep into the earth, anchoring you in the present moment.

  2. Harvest Gratitude Ritual Mabon is traditionally seen as a harvest festival, so this is a perfect time to reflect on the fruits of your labor. Create a gratitude journal where you list all the blessings and achievements of the year. Acknowledging your personal harvests brings a sense of fulfillment and balance.

  3. Balancing Yoga Poses Practice yoga poses that emphasize balance, such as Tree Pose (Vrksasana) or Warrior III (Virabhadrasana III). These postures help cultivate physical and mental stability, mirroring the equilibrium of the equinox. Focus on breathwork to enhance your sense of groundedness and calm.

  4. Autumn Altar Creation Build a simple altar using seasonal elements like fallen leaves, pine cones, apples, and candles. The altar can be a focal point for meditation and rituals throughout the season, reminding you of nature’s cycles and the importance of balance. Adding crystals such as smoky quartz or black tourmaline can enhance the grounding energy of the space.

  5. Seasonal Cleanse: Physical and Energetic Declutter your home by cleaning out closets, cupboards, and spaces that collect stagnant energy. Pair this physical cleansing with an energetic cleanse using sage or palo santo to clear any unwanted energies from your living space. The act of cleaning both physically and energetically aligns you with the season’s theme of letting go.

  6. Autumnal Feast Celebrate the abundance of the harvest with an autumnal feast that highlights seasonal foods like apples, squash, and root vegetables. Sharing a meal with loved ones is a wonderful way to honor the harvest and cultivate a sense of community and gratitude.

  7. Journaling for Reflection and Release Autumn is a perfect time for introspection. Set aside time for journaling, focusing on what you are ready to release as the year winds down. Reflect on any emotions, habits, or patterns that no longer serve your highest good, and commit to letting them go.

  8. Evening Bonfire or Candle Meditation If possible, gather with loved ones for an outdoor bonfire to celebrate the season. Fire is symbolic of transformation and cleansing. If a bonfire isn’t an option, light candles indoors and meditate on the flame, allowing it to symbolize the light within as the days grow darker.

Embrace the Shift in Seasons

As we move deeper into autumn, the equinox offers a gentle reminder that life is cyclical, and change is constant. By grounding ourselves, seeking balance, and cleansing both physically and spiritually, we can embrace the transformation that this season brings. The Autumn Equinox is an invitation to pause, reflect, and celebrate all that we’ve cultivated, while preparing ourselves for the quiet inward journey that winter will soon bring.

Whether through simple rituals, grounding practices, or seasonal celebrations, this is a time to honour both the harvest within ourselves and the wisdom that nature offers as we transition from light to darkness.

Wishing you balance, light, and Mabon blessings

xo Emiyl